Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Sept 22

I have been out of commission for long time.

As I  woke up my head had been hurting.

So  I did not feel like coming at the clinic.

I was OK, I had been busy otherwise.

Cooking writing to the family and so forth.

When I am in pain it is best this way.

Today I am here at the clinic and later I am going to get a TAC on Stockdale Avenue at the Quest Imaging center in town.

Finally the appointment has been scheduled. After a consultation with   Dr. Elvie  my Case Manager has agreed to the procedure. I will be going to undergo MRI  procedure to my head to check on the status on my shunt. After reading the Website I  believe I will be doing an MRI rather than an X ray SCAN. Anyway it will be what it will be.

Today I was given personal money by my IPC. This includes a one a month money to be managed by myself. It includes haircuts, personal shopping and extra money above the $75 for food.

Considering that in average I have been spending $90 per week on food this money is a welcome support.

It comes at the right time as I am normally a healthy and good eater.

Healthy breakfast for today.

Flower for today ... great subject for my phone to take a picture of.

My day started really poorly as always with an acute pain to main Rx eye, where my shunt in located.

As instructed by Dr Elvie I asked for Tylenol..

It removed the edges away yet this leaves me a lingering pain to my Rx  upper temple.

The other day I have been cooking pomodori alla Romana 

I used heirloom tomatoes Basmati rice garlic and basil

I emptied the tomatoes in a bowl and added herbs and garlic

I used the mixer to carefully mixing  the juice.

I used a colander to make sure the seeds were separated from the juice

Here is the juice

Then I washed the Jasmine white  rice.

Here is the staffing getting ready.
Olive Oil, salt, pepper, garlic and basil 

I mixed with the rice and left it in the fridge  for 40 minute

I used to for staffing the Heirloom tomatoes  and cooked it  in the oven.

The rice is soaked in the tomatoes juice  for an hour and then used for staffing the tomatoes. It get all cooked   for 40 minutes

Here is the results after roasting the tomatoes for a while

Yesterday evening I compiled  my grocery shopping list, talked to Anna my IPC and went to the gym.

It is hard to know how to dress or what to buy nowadays given the fact the weather is changing so abruptly without any correlation to the next days.

I had bodycombact with Scott and then Zumba with Suze.

I walked over there by myself and then I came back with CNS transportation as it was already dark.

While waiting at the gym I chatted with Kayla Nicole at the front desk.

She was the one to recommend me to call transportation as it was dark.

I am used to bring stickers for her daughter who is five years old.

She appreciated it.

I was feeling cold the other day so I made a healthy lentils soup.

I washed  carrots, celery stalks  and potatoes first.

I sliced  all with garlic cloves next.

I used a few bay leaves ( foglie di Alloro) for the broth

I washed the lentils with a fine mesh colander under running water

First I made a nice soffritto, then added the lentils and some water with the bay leaves.

I adjusted the salt used a bouillon cube. It looked all good.

The other day  Wednesday Sept 20 I had a conversation with my Case Manager Jolanta and Dr Elvie one of the neurologist at the clinic.

I had been reporting for the whole month episodes of pain located in my Rx eye, shunts and Rx face.

It got so bad I had not been able to come to the clinic for long time.

I logged all the days I have been having my head hurting and filled a whole paper for Nursing.

While having headache I was taking note of my pressure reading. Normal apparently quite normal.

It is hard to get going in the morning for me because of my head hurting.

Once up and running I am fine.

I prefer the environment at the apartment rather that the one here at the clinic.

Over there I have my own facilities. I have my own restroom wile at the clinic there are only two restrooms for about thirty plus patients. Some of them are on wheelchairs so it takes longer for them to use the restroom. They are not fast turn over place, sort of speak.

The TV is always on in this place... I do not understand  why  but apparently this is the America way of doing Rehabilitation ...

Omnipresent TV ... 

I am personally and absolutely appalled by this place....

Once in a while is OK. Not that often however...

Activity... keeping with web site... perfectly useless 
As everything that happens at the clinic

My observations of course and my experience

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