Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday August 29

Terrible headache again, the right eyes and were my shunt wire is located.

That's it as Nursing told me repeatedly.

For the rest of my life I will have this pain in my head...

thanks God for allowing this to happen to me.

The actual reality is that  every morning that I woke up it returns to me.

Before I did not give a cents to the religious card at all.

 Right now I will keep not giving much importance to this matter. In fact it is all part of a large superstition.

It is called opium populi for nothing.

Largely people go to church on Sunday because they are caught in a large superstition. They believe that something bad is going to happen were they to skip Sunday church.

Well the reality is that nothing happens at all. This is part of  a large superstition.

I have not gone there for long time and will not get there for ever.

As right now I am feeling that I am done with any time of affiliation or religious attitude.

I am pissed and also very very distant from all the sermon and stories that are telling over there.

Yesterday I woke up with a bad head ache

Nevertheless Yesterday I went to the gym of course.

I had Yoga first and then cycle with Misty.

It was her last day because she is going to be on  maternity leave.

She has a huge belly and I am frankly surprised she was able to ride until yesterday.
Before living I snapped a picture and people at the gym had a smile.

Some of them do not give a dam about it they are superior.
Some of them consider me a daring person.

Everybody over there have never been at CNS nor they have seen what I am seeing here at CNS.

They live in a bubble.

Anyway Misty  place is going to be taken by a  different person. I know who she is going to be.

Anyway no forecast yet..

The same headache  I had today and  the same that I will have tomorrow and the next day and the next day for the rest of my ridiculous life. 

Because my life has turned into a very painful experience.
So god you understand why I am very pissed at you.

So doctors you understand why I have come to the conclusion that you are a ridiculous bunch of people, unable to deliver a decent  service...  

By the way I have let everybody reading this blog, no more closed only to people that only have a gmail but open to any engine to anyway that as a browser and is able to read it ...and  to read the words I am writing. 

Heavy words I understand...so let it be this way.
Screw everything.

This is the results of the pain I am feeling ...

The Enrichement center is a place I am done for a while... there is a bunch of TV and confusion I can not stand .
A place I do not like at all.
There are huge TVs turned for lunch, insufficient bathrooms number.
And then you call it a bloody Clinic dear CNS?

This is not a bad days, it is a bloody nightmare.

It is an absolute  place to be with a lot of demeaning brainless activity.
CNS is proud of it... Well I have my own place to be.
Screw CNS and screw their new Rehabilitation Center.

As I told screw the Homes of Hope I am telling screw CNS .

I can cook and go to the gym . It is hot nowadays but hey there is a limit for everything.... dear CNS.

I am taken to the gym with a patients always and she is not coming to CNS here ...

You have  crossed that thin line in my opinion (BTW I am editing my language to keep it clean)

Who is the person below?

She is my mother Marta.

This picture was taken in Fano where she has been vacationing at the beach.

I had to crop it to her face because of all the prudish attitude  that American people have.

Originally it was a picture of her at the beach wearing a sea side attire a simple that is a swimsuit

Well as a results of the prudish attitude of the American people I cropped it  and framed only her face.

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