Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday - President Day

It is Monday February 17, President Day and the clinic is closed today

I take advantage of this time to update my blog for your perusal.

This morning I wake up as usual at 6:45 am. I let the switchboard I was up and running, and wished them a happy day. I saw Brian trough my window and wished him  a good day- or rather a good night as his shift is finished and he is going home.
I  got out of bed early and grabbed the newpaper then came back to grab a good breakfast. I made omelet with jam and grabbed some granola with milk. Of course a good coffee is always welcomed chez Giuseppe.
According to my reading in the nutrition world, you are OK by eating a couple of eggs everyday as eggs are rich on many nutrient -omega 3 acid. It is believed in Europe that eggs rise cholesterol levels to an unhealthy level. Eggs are rather the most nutritious food found around. They lower bad cholesterol (HDL) and increase the good cholesterol (LDL). So I think I can take two eggs per day without any adverse effect to my health. This is why on Saturday as I was at Trader Joe's I purchased 2 dozen of eggs.
At trader Joe's everybody knows me, and helps me out. I was short by  $10 and Andy pulled it out from his wallet and lend it to me. Next time I am there, I will check if I see him again and return the money to him.
I called anyway on Saturday to thank him for his nice and generous gesture

On Saturday, after taking care of the house (cleaning and washing) we went to the Maya theater and I saw Robocop. It is a good movie, as it shows that our human spirit is alive despite and resists any tests and any injury we sustain. Also it shows that the love for one's family is a very powerful sentiment.
I  am reading a lot of personal feature in Robocop.

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