Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Feb 25 second post

Sarah, m Case Manager is a really wonderful lady, she is really working with me on my recuperation.

I am always trying to invite her out for lunch but one way or the other we are always busy and we can never synchronize our schedule

Simona -my wife- is telling me that Sarah is really busy, so I have accepted it, but soon or later we will go out for lunch all together. I feel we own it to Sarah.
I feel she is part of our life. I learned to take good care of her, and she has learned to understand me and work with me throughout this Journey's on my - actually of our family
It is the whole family that has been impacted.

Anyway I like to do what I like to do, as most of therapists here at CNS have learned. I like math, computers, I like cooking - in fact I cook every meal- expect for the chocolate. I like to be independent and despite there is a schedule to follow I have come to know of my schedule pretty well
Most of the time I am independent, Sarah has learned that I like to be independent. I have an issue with doing task that I don't consider appropriate to me. And the therapist here have learned to deal with my independence.

There are  a couple of things I am looking forward: driving again, regaining my equilibrium and my strength

Nick Rasmussen my  PT therapist is really good in teaching me to walk again. I follow his suggestions as the other day when I was running I felt down the treadmill

Everybody came out to see me but as  I am writing to you, I am obviously fine

'Stirred but not shaken' or was it the other way around?

So right now I am working on my equilibrium back to square one!

It is fine, no matter how many time I hit the ground, I am picking up my pieces and get going again.

It is like the Phoenix... re-birth from its ashes

Alright I need to go in a little bit
More to follow ...

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