Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday February 27 2014

Today is really a god day. I had a lot of fun during my therapy and I appreciate all the help I can get here at CNS.
Michael in Education told me that his cats (Nero, Simon and Sexycat) are well
Justin in Education confirmed that his girlfriend is well, and that his dog Nucky-Kentucky is also doing well
Today Justin's hair are better than yesterday, we will see after the weekend.

I worked on my CR by working on my vision and finding the little differences in 20 images, from easier to harder. But I did my best and quite well
For CR I did walk around with Max and Bethany reordering sentences from shortest to longest
Quite challenging for me
Anyway I worked as well on the Parrot Program-Memory and Attention; with the setting 7 number and 3 seconds I have achieved a total of 84% and average response time of 7.44ms

I then worked on Auditory Rehabilitation story about NASA probe that I had the chance to write up earlier during the week
This time it was questions time, and I typed up 7 nice question. This argument is really interesting, if you want to know more about it just Google Stardust

Anyway after my CR session, I did an independent PT. As I am allowed to run yet (safety) I had the chance of walking very fast for 35 minute and going for 2.5 miles

I had then a really good lunch with Pollo Alla Cacciatore, original recipe from Chez Giuseppe, and then a really good fruit salad. I am very proud of Chez Giuseppe accomplishments, you should check him out wearing his white apron

At lunch we sang Happy Birthday to Cassy, as today I decided it is her birthday. You see the really good  thing is that when I give her a chocolate candy other patients came by to give her some candies as well. This show how big is the heart of the patients at CNS
Well you know, I know very well that I call today Cassy Birthday, and the day she officially is turning 21..
Yesterday it was Jemena Birthday and we all sang Jemena Happy Birthday. Again I just decided it was her birthday and she has accepted our little gift.
So my resolution for this month is to sing happy birthday to a new person every day, soon or later I will it the jackpot.
I know it sounds crazy, but this is the way I like it! it is funny and amusing everybody, so it is best to have a good time all together.

By the way it seems to me I don't know Sarah Birthday, but when I get to it we make sure we are going to give her a really nice and smiling gift.

Sarah is a really wonderful case manager, as I mentioned to you many time, I am very proud of her Job at CNS. It is an inspiration for all of us.
this is me having a god time with my lunch-I had "pollo alla cacciatora" , original recipe of Chez Giuseppe

Really yummy. As a desert I had a fruit salad that I made by myself
During lunch we sang Happy Birthday to Kassy another patient here that is really working hard. I decided it was her birthday so we all sang Happy Birthday to her and she even received some cookies from other patients. we all had a good time. I decided that today turns 21 and tomorrow for our recreational therapy we are all going to grab a beer together. We will see what is going to happen tomorrow, I will keep everybody informed. Anyway the key here is to have good time all together and for this we have all to work together in harmony. Yesterday for instance I decided it was Jemena birthday, a person that drive the bus for CNS, and we all sang happy birthday to her. With her astonishment she was able to lough with us.
So you see I don't see why everyday can not be the Birthday of somebody, if we celebrate it between us then it is Birthday !

Stay well my friends!

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