Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Post for Tuesday November 11th

it is my second post today, after doing Yoga with Tina. This morning there weren't many people around. Tina is always good and professional as usual. She told me her grand-daughters are well and so her dog -she called Lazy Lilli: it is or I should rather say  she  is a golden retrieve. I mentioned to Tina that yesterday I met Damian at the gym. Damian is a person that does Yoga with Tina, as well. I like yoga and I am looking forward very much to the days we do Yoga. Tomorrow I will have Yoga as well, tomorrow we work on balance and on mental capability to focus with the mind.
Going back to the gym I always meet people I know her in Bakersfield: Richard, Maria, Riina, Damian, and all the personnel at the gym

Tina mentioned that all the stretch we do in Yoga have a wonderful effect on our body, as they all stimulate the body in different ways, to generate feeling good hormones. I like working on my body and in keeping it functional and active as much as I can. I am here to recover from a stroke, as probably I mentioned earlier, I am working on my rehabilitation. But I am together with a dedicated team of professional experts that are working with us.

this morning I work on OT on the trail test (see previous post) the goal of previous test is to complete the trial in less than 1 minute. My recent  tests are slightly above 1 minute, but the overall test is DEFINETLY faster than when I started as I was in between 2.5 and 3 minute.
Every time is an opportunity to get BETTER. As long as I can work on toward my goals I am vey happy of any progress.

Have I mentioned to you that Sarah Gutierrez my case manager is really doing a good job in breaking thinks for me and in making sure I don't get overwhelmed by too many staff at once. She a really good case manager!
Anyway my wife Simona is doing well, she is going to be back today from Madison University in Wisconsin. She  went over there to give a seminar; it is part of her job at Caltech University. She is Assistant Professor of atmospheric science at Caltech.  This is the link to her page at Caltech. http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~bordoni/ I strongly recommend it to you as our kids pictures are also  included. Our kids have grown bigger. Our eldest son's name is Francesco - nickname Chicco. Chicco is now 7. Our youngest son's name is Jacopo-nickname Lapo.

In our family we refer to them as the "broccoli"
They are really good and healthy children

Anyway Simona s going ton be back later today. She attended a conference for 3 days. At home my mother in law Anna was backing up Simona and taking care of the boys. Anna is a very good person,  she is very fluent in English. She helps a lot our family by helping our kids to do their homework

Shown below is my family.

I am looking for another files that is the OT work for today but right now I have to leave this room

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