Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Feb 25

this is a video of Lapo playing the piano with Chicco supervision
As you can see at time the boys speak to each other in English,  their school language

Both Chicco and Lapo are doing their best at playing the piano 

I believe the video above did not came out well enough for you to see.
Anyway I am sure that the picture above is better. It shows  Simona my wife,  together with Sarah my case Manager and my yummy breakfast. I like making some good breakfast in the morning

Yesterday I went to the gym and I did kickboxing with Christie. I said hi to Jim, to Naomi and Lidiana
When  I am going to the gym staff from the CNS is always coming with me and he or she wait at the reception
As I am not allowed to walk by myself
I go to the gym whenever I can 
Most of the days except on Saturday (movie night) and Sunday (church night)   and on Tuesday (like today) when I am busy with Personal shopping
Simona my wife is really helping me a lot, she just got a few things I needed for me on the mail.
We have agreed that as I don't need a bottle opener I need to buy bottle of beer with a twisting cap. To tell the truth I haven't been able to reach those, so for the time being I am going to hold off on these items.
CNS is giving me money every two weeks and it is based on a honor system 
I could sneak in a six pack, but then I would feel really bad as I would be doing a bad thing and betraying the trust of my therapist at CNS
I think root beer is allowed but ultimately I don't like it 

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