Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st 2014 First Post

Today is Saturday March 1stl, I thought it was the Ides of March already, but I checked on the web that it is not until the 15th of March. I admit I was showing off a bit too early. Anyway it is a Saturday so I had to take care of the house, by doing some cleaning and grocery shopping at Trader Joe's where among other friend I met Cathy the admission coordinator at CNS. I said Hi to her and I kept going on by saying hi to Jamie who was super busy as it is the first of the month. I had the chance to say hi to Andy, who a couple of week ago lend me $10 - a nice gesture- and then I promptly gave it back to him on the following week
I got chocolate for all the CNS girls, both white and dark so that they have no choice ! I like to be a sweet dude with them It is all good they know me very well! As I brought my bag I also   got the lottery ticket for Simona so we can split the processing  equally for instance 90% to her and 10% for me

And Sarah also knows what I normally pick at trader Joe's  ...
But let's not spoil the little thought of mine 

In the image below I am showing my work for today: I tried to straighten up the pictures in the picture frames that Simona sent me. Simona is just back from the East coast and the condition of the road is not that great so I was happy to hear that she has decided to take an easy Sunday and to stay home. I do care for her and for her safety!

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