Monday, July 31, 2017

Monday July 31 2017

It is the last day of the month.

I am having hard time to deal with the heat.

Anyway, I am writing from the new clinic.

It is a large spacious building.

I have been setting up the computer number 2.

I asked Amanda for the password to the network and the password for the computer itself.

It is always one of the two.

She mentioned I am not required to go any longer at HH.

I am glad it turned out this way.

Lately I have been relatively dissatisfied over there.

They must have had a feeling for  this matter.

The restroom where not properly maintained if one of the aspect.

There was no cleaning paper no restroom cover.. everybody over there was fine with it.

I am frankly not able to use a public restroom that is not properly stocked. So that is one aspect of it.

Last few days they had been late in providing a lift to me and I got really distressed to say the least.

Distressed is really not the world I got absolutely annoyed  as with anybody that does not provide the service that it is paid for.
My program says I was supposed to leave by 2:30pm however they all came past 3pm and nothing happened to them. I got really annoyed and this is concluding the matter for me.

No more Dr Rossi for them to polish their volunteering prestige and cache.

I am made that way. CNS has pushed it too much so I gave been severing all the relationship with that place. Let's pretend and I am taking back by vacation time.

Because the way I see it is the way it is written on the CNS program.

I returned to Miss Amanda my Homes of Hope ID.

I am glad this has concluded.

Obviously I had enough of all the kids around and of all the visiting  of the people.

I am really not a person logging to stay with the kids of the other people.

I am caring only about my family. But there is more about it (see below)

Last Saturday July 29 my weight is 176.8 lb

I honestly do not why CNS is so worried about my weight.
Everybody is obsessed with my weight, And in fact in US  in general there is an epidemic of people that are overweight. These are real data from a very reputable source.

More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity. Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity is similar for both men and women (about 36 percent).

However they are all looking at my weight. Is that important for you all?
Right now I am 176.8 lb so that is really  set this matter for me.

I have been loosing weight for the last month  At the beginning of this month I was 179.6 lb

At the beginning of May I was 176 lb.

I am cook with my weight and I am feeling well about it.

Anyway Last Saturday  I went to Trader Joe's  with the bus to do my shopping.

I had all Organic food and healthy one.

Jamie had time to pose for a picture with me. It is Captain Morgan type of picture

You can recognize the same pose with the label.

Obviously Jamie consider me a very special customer.

Katie was there as well to greet me and to  encourage me to shop well.

I purchased all good ingredient and healthy food.

As always my biggest expense is on the food.

The grand total was $102.14.

In line with my recent spending.

I  purchased all the food I had planned in my grocery lists.

I used the gift card that Simona had given me to use.

It had run out of cash so I left it in the trash at the store.

Last Saturday as it was hot there was no fire drill at the apartment.

As such CNS had to find another  excuse to inspect their apartment.

 I received the visit of two very unpleasant people.

They are the highly respected blue shirt at CNS.

It means they are working as sup.

One of the them was Jose Mirales, the other was a junior little nasty woman her name is Aisha Jackson.

She is a short person and  a nasty person.

You see she is acting like one of that little dog on the road: all barking and unpleasant. And you wonder how it is possible to pack so much nastiness in a small size being.

I am not concerned in writing what my experience with the both of them is like.

I have recommended them to look for a new job at the local Walmart. 

This was not well received by CNS and  obviously it was not meant to be a compliment.

They are certainly fitting the Walmart  job description. 

It is based on low skill pool  and a poor attitude for customer service.

I am sure they would have no complaint about the hourly rate either they would be offered

They would certainly be able to work overnight to stock the shelves of the store.

A respectable job for their skill level. 

Going overnight  no customer interactions would be required. 

Obviously CNS does not give much about this observation. 

For lunch I had my  peaceful  good food.

Burrata, with Heirloom tomatoes, cucumber, avocado. 

All dressed with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

On Sunday July 30  I made a new batch of Overnight Oats.

I like to eat it in the morning.

It is a well proven preparation, healthy and nutritious.

I wrote a letter to my boys to tell them about my recent experience.

After all it is the world and fact I am experiencing while in Bakersfield and at CNS.
They are bound to keep it as memory of my long staying at CNS.
More like memories from my prison staying.

It should be called Silvio Pellico's letter after the famous author Silvio Pellico

On Sunday I had a quick lunch and went to the gym

I was ready at 1:15pm but the schedule said I was going at 2pm so I had to wait for the service.

Jenoviva showed up at 2pm to provide the service required by the insurance as given to me by the program.

Finally I was let go at the gym.

Over there I had the whole gym available to me.

I worked on the usual circuit of exercise I am doing at the gym

A lot of leg work, shoulder press, shoulder and back.

I stayed light as I am not there to bulk up.
So I am focusing on many repetition and on staying light.

My work out was duly written down on my memory book

Before living I stretched accurately and I tried to do some leg squat.

This was the part where I  was overdoing it.

At 4pm I was done at the gym and I left to walk back to the apartment.

It took me 20 minutes to make my way back.

Clearly I walked back along the way.

I noticed that  nobody but me walk  in Bakersfield.

At time I only meet a few black people.

Luckily I am of fair complexion and the police drive by not paying attention to me.

Once back at the apartment I signed on and made some good Trofie pasta with pesto sauce.

Pasta is a good nutritious food to get back the energy spent by the body,

It provides energy in the form of carbs.

Carbs are metabolized by the body as complex sugar, the fuel for the muscle.

Anyway eating pasta is a healthy food choice.

Pasta is not an aggravating food, on the contrary the choice of the sauce is the whole difference. 

A lot of people choose to have thick and fattening sauce.  Then they turn to blame the pasta.

Anyway this is the the reality of the food science.

A lot of the principle in the so called Mediterranean diet are very healthy and well known to the ones that are practicing it.

 The truth of the matter is that while I am handling the pleasant staying at CNS my mother is doing her best back in Italy.

She had a good weekend on the hillside with friends.

Everybody pitched in some food so they all had a good time together.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday July 27

Today Simona has been celebrating in Rome the 90th year birthday of her uncle Saverio.

He received a few video cassette VHS to watch movie on his TV.

For the last  few days I have been out of commission.

I stayed back at the apartment.

However I run out of things to do.

I kept my gym and cooking habit.

I cleaned it all as always.

I wrote letters to everybody.

Last Tuesday July 25th  I stayed back at the apartment so I had time to do a lot of different items.

First I washed my shoes, I only have a single pair here in Bakersfield. I am walking a lot and use it a lot at the gym. So once in a while I feel they need to be washed. Simona mentioned I should not washed it often. Well as I am always using it I believe it is wise to keep it clean.

Whenever I am washing it I have to walk with my home flipper (ciabatte) down to the washing area oh yes because you will probably know that I have no washer nor drier available at the apartment. Cool arrangement isn't?

I sent a letter to my mother in Italy.  I wrote to her in Italian my native language.

Sending a letter to Italy requires 4 stamps.

As she has difficulties replying  to my writing it is has been my turn to write her.

For lunch I made time to make Marinated Atlantic Salmon

I let it marinating in a slight acidic bath.
I sliced garlic, herbs, cherry tomatoes. I used  a lot of lemon juice.

It marinated for half an hour wrapped with an Aluminum foil in the fridge

I cooked some Brown Basmati Organic Rice 

Once the rise was about done I put the Salmon in the oven which has been preheating.

The salmon cooked fast and I was careful in making sure it was cooked all the way through.

It smelled delicious, and tasted really good.
Congratulation to me.

 I  had it for dinner and then went to the gym .

On Tuesday I have body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Alex.

I came back by myself. I let them know I was waking back at the apartment and at 7:35 I signed back in.
Last Wednesday July 26th I wake up with my shunt hurting as expected by now.

I applied some frozen peas to my poor head.

This has been taking the edge out a bit.

I put back the frozen peas in the freezer for another time.
It comes really handy as a medical tool.

As I had again a strong pain I did not come to the clinic either.

I called Amanda and let her know. She figured out something was going on with me.

I had time to cook again. 

I made stuffed tomatoes.

I carved the heirloom tomatoes first
Minced the garlic 

I washed the Quinoa under running water

It  boiled in a vegetable broth for 30 minutes

The carved tomatoes were ready for filling.

Here they are. I gently filled it with the quinoa based stuffing 

I let  it cook in the oven for 30 minutes and then drizzled with  Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

It looked delicious.

Very proud of this achievement.

Chutzpah in the food, that is Audacity in the food.

Remember this words Chutzpah is in pronounced " hutzpa"  without the letter C at the beginning.

I had my perfectly balanced food, rich in flavor and very healthy.

Here is me eating my dinner. Home made of course.

As a side I made a Quinoa based spinach salad.

I cleaned the whole apartment and then feeling better I went to the gym.
At 5:25 I went to the gym  in the van with CNS.  Jenoviva was driving it.

I  had cycle with Cassie and later Body pump with Sylvia.

I stayed light and tryed to avoid any strenuous effort in order to protect my well  being.

I am trying to bend my legs while keeping my balance.

It is hard for me to knee down. It has historically been hard for me to do this  movement.

My legs are not responding. Both my brain and the muscle in my legs are not trained to do it. I supposed the pathwaves in my brain are not responding to the stimuli. My legs are not atrophied yet it is hard for me to move it in a kneeling position. At the gym I am doing a lot of  bending movement on my free time.

I have no idea what movement I should insist in doing in order to gain my mobility back.
I have no clue of what kind of PT I should be doing over there to get my brain waves and pathways back on track.

At the gym there are people  the usual familiar people. Each and everybody is  kind with me.
Most of them are conscious of my struggling effort to regain my lost  mobility. Some of them are totally indifferent.

At 7pm it was time to leave so I walked back by myself and I arrived at 7:30pm at the apartment.

At the phone they told me no pit stop along the way.
So I  came back straight from the gym.

This morning I walked by myself and I was taking my shower happy to be by myself.

At some point and NRS knocked to the door of the apartment that CNS as assigned to me.

He or she knocked vehemently.

So I had to rush out from the shower nobody there.

I was irritated to say the least.

What the hell is with you guys? Has anybody been teach you the respect and good manner.

Of course I picked up the phone and let Melanie Rodriguez the sup in charge about it

Utterly frustrating for a paying customer like me.

I hope they will fire the responsible of this not funny joke.

 I am not that amused by the CNS mistake.

There is a responsible and he/she should be held accountable.

I made overnight Oat anyway

This morning I had my normal breakfast. There is not much news about it.
I posted about it ad nauseam ( if you do not know what this means just google it or go back and study some Latin... )

Today I had a wonderful money management day a really grand total of $75 for grocery.

They learnt I am refusing the $24 for outing. 

I am not going any longer to the movie nor I am no longer going to church with CNS.

Move: since there is the new gal for activity coordinator she devised a North/ South System only.
Her new position went straight to her  head. She felt she had to change the schedule.

So in her infinite wisdom and skillful  brilliance she decided to change the schedule.
Screw you poor gal you are outdoing yourself in the new role of activity coordinator.

Needless to say that I am not going to church any longer In Bakersfield.

I  broke this spell of believing you have to go to S. Philip the Apostle  otherwise there is no tomorrow.

Well the fact is that CNS was seldom caring about it they have been many time late and all they could simply come up is " I am sorry" 

Well dear CNS and all of you thank you but no more church in Bakersfield.

I abstained from it and will maintain this position until I am depending from your own service.

Obviously when in Rome I am doing like the Romans do, that means (Mutate mutandis) that whenever I am at home in La Canada I am going to church at S. Bede

A very nice catholic church where I am going with my family on time and without any screaming people around me. 

As a result of this very poor experience of mine and poor track record from CNS I am not going at S. Philip any longer.
The magic spell is broken.

Nothing has happened to me indeed. When it is put like this is is worth recognizing to be a simple superstition.

BTW the new clinic looks great. You should have put a bit of money in the residential as well or in rising the money you dispense to each and everybody every time it is money management.

You are allowing only $75 per week.  Just a feedback for your hard hearing

Enjoy the reading

Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday July 24

This morning Eric took me to the County Building of Bakersfield to get my fingerprint taken.

It is a necessary step in order to be at HH.

I also filled a new set of sheets, like last year.

Same questions same inquiry about any  felony record.

I guess either HH or the county office does not maintain a good record because they would otherwise look into the  forms from Last year.

I call it an empty action without any  meaning- Kabuki.

 If you actually have a meaning you would keep the record on hand available rather than repeat it over and over again.

At HH I have been told they are two  different forms. I have my doubts.

Well I had a good weekend overall.

I was able to get my weight last Saturday

It is 176.8lb

On Friday July 21 in the afternoon I went to the gym as always I do.
At 5:45pm Kaila the sup took me and then at 7:25pm I came back and signed back.

Last Saturday July 22 
I went to Trader Joe's with the van 
I spent $90.90 

It is all in good healthy food.

Last week Jamie was busy with her daughter Birthday party so she was not at the store.
She was there this week to play with me.

I came back put away the grocery

I carefully cleaned the whole apartment 

I know how to keep it clean.

I have been cleaning a lot.

The rack in the oven 

I was  cleaning as always the apartment.

The bathroom

Che wood cabinets

More of mt bathroom

It is all cleaned

Obviously I took care of all my clothe.

I changed my bed and cleaned carefully my bedroom.

I run the vacuum cleaner and all the usual activity of maintaining a clean environment.

I am not in the mood of either going to the movie nor going to church.

Both activities have been highly unreliable in my opinion.

At church CNS has been many times late. All they had to say is I am sorry.
Obviously for them is not that important. So why should it be for me dear CNS?

Well  I am removing myself from the picture entirely.

The world keeps spinning even without church in Bakersfield.

It is fine by me. Only when in La Canada with my family I will be going to church at S. Bede.

At least we are on time over there.

I did not go to the movie outing either. I honestly have not appreciated the CNS stance on this matter either . Alternating South and North block as a rule. Thank you guys I  do not accept your rules at all.

I do not accept it so  I am not going there either.

I am  refusing  in fact to get any outing money. I will be like that because that is the way I like it to be.

I will keep refusing getting it as I have made my decisions based on my experience and service with CNS.

On the other hand I went to the gym on Sunday and did my work out routine per June 25th.

At 4:15pm I was back with Miss Lin

On Saturday I wrote and sent a letter to my mother in Verona Italy.

It has been written in Italian. 

For my mother is hard to send me back mail.

In Italy the special stamps that are for the US are not available.

So it is fine like this.

Last Sunday I wrote this letter to my kids

My Sunday activities

The family is enjoying Rome . The kids are having a good time.

Chicco has  is become really tall.

They are in Piazza Navona with the famous Fontana di trevi