Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wednesday July 5 2017

What kind of work do I do here at HH?

I am working on my short memory matter by using my memory book and my email to reconstruct my past few days.

It is hard for me to recall exactly certain events, easier to understand when I  do not get things properly done the way I am expecting.

I have already told the person in charge about my last grievance.

Well my phone calendar is helping me in following the matter that is important.

Anyway let's move on.

Last  Monday I did my things and went to the gym.

I had Yoga so I had to go with CNS.

Not that I like to be shuttled around by CNS there is always something that is not appropriate or is not of my liking.
Anyway I did my thing at the gym and because there was no cycle I came back
I was expecting them to pick me up obviously the sups were late.
I am referring to Jose the short hair guy with eyeglass and the African american woman that has started following him everywhere

I started walking of course by myself I was alms arrived and they decided to show up cheerful and happy to be able to conduct business on their terms.

Last Tuesday it was the 4th of July. Big celebration for the American people.
I am sure that it is hard for them to know that it was the 214th anniversary since the signature of the Declaration of Independence. I believe here in Bakersfield and at CNS  they are not much interested in looking at the things of life. They are concerned by much narrowed focus matter.
Of course no surprise over her.

As I had some wild Atlantic Salmon to use. I cooked it  and consumed it before its expiration date.

I like to eat well and I consume my food well within the expiration date.

I made a light soffritto with Garlic and Coconut Oil

I dressed the Salmon with spice and squeeze some Lemon Juice

It cooked quickly for a few minutes per side. Not that much.

It is a fish that it is easy to cook.

Good lunch with the cooked Salmon.

My mother sent me a picture from her home in Verona Italy,
She told me that the little tomatoes plants in the  balcony of her home  have been producing a few tomatoes.

Some of them are ripe.

There was no clinic yesterday. I took the time to clean the apartment super well.
There is so much dust in the air in Bakersfield.
It quickly deposits inside the apartment and make it all dirty again.

So I am maniacally trying to keep it clean

As I had time I wrote a letter to my family. 
In the local lingo of CNS it is called THP.
Short for Therapeutic Home Program

A lot of acronyms are used here at CNS.

I had fun cooking staffed heirloom tomatoes.

I first cooked the quinoa after rinsing it with a fine mesh colander.

I prepared the tomatoes by cutting it longitudinally.

I set aside the seeds in a large container. Minced a few cloves of garlic.

Mixed the garlic, seeds liquid and quinoa.

I seasoned the filling with salt, pepper, paprika and shredded Parmesan cheese.
I cut a few basil leaves in it,

Once it was well mixed and moist I filled the heirloom tomatoes 

I  put the filled tomatoes inside an aluminum container for cooking in the oven

Et voila ID (Indepence Day) cooking, or as you like to say 
Presto... it does not mean anything in itself rather in Italian Presto means Soon.

Et Voila in French means " This is it"

You see you really need to understand all the different nuances of a language in order to be able to use it.

So Presto for the all of you it is.

Today I had the day of the receipt for my money management.

Over the weekend I had asked for a cash advance per CNS regulation I am entitled to withdraw funds for my personal account. I used it to buy food.
I had requested it  last Tuesday when Deluna was nowhere to be seen obviously Deluna is a very bad IPC.
She lacks precision and lacks motivation.

If she were an employer of mine  I would recommend letting  her go with a blame letter. The cause would be  poor performance and accountability.

 Obviously Deluna is still around messing with CNS.

I learnt to have quick lunch at my desk because downstairs is filled by screaming kids apparently the kids run this place.  Frankly I minimize the contact with those elements. Let them be. I am not much different from all the other workers here they all stay closed in their offices.

The difference is that I am no at all a workers. I do not consider my self in line of duty.
I believe they all sense it, because I am not at ease and I am frankly displeased.

I look at them with a suffering view.  I am annoyed by their voices and their loud screaming.
I get as little as possible down in the kitchen.
Anyway most of the social workers here are staying segregated in their offices away from the kids.

I am following suit their examples.

Today I had time to compile my expense for Grocery Shopping since the beginning of this year.

It is charted in the picture below.  I also added the average thus far.

The average comes to be $100.9. It reports 25 points corresponding to the total weeks of the year this far.

You see obviously I am very conscious about the food I eat. I like to eat healthy and a lot of Organic food. This is the reason I am constantly scrambling for money as the Insurance's rate is ludicrous.

The Insurance said what  I am doing to deserve more money.

I would like to remind the Insurance that I am surviving at CNS with all the other issues and shortcoming that are plaguing CNS.

How much I have overspent, here is the real question.

If the math is correct a total of 25 times at an extra $25.91 makes $647.75
This is the amount that it has come out of my own Personal Account

Well it is what it is enjoy the math

This morning I received the two National Geographic Issue

Time to leave finally 2:30pm


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