Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday July 24

This morning Eric took me to the County Building of Bakersfield to get my fingerprint taken.

It is a necessary step in order to be at HH.

I also filled a new set of sheets, like last year.

Same questions same inquiry about any  felony record.

I guess either HH or the county office does not maintain a good record because they would otherwise look into the  forms from Last year.

I call it an empty action without any  meaning- Kabuki.

 If you actually have a meaning you would keep the record on hand available rather than repeat it over and over again.

At HH I have been told they are two  different forms. I have my doubts.

Well I had a good weekend overall.

I was able to get my weight last Saturday

It is 176.8lb

On Friday July 21 in the afternoon I went to the gym as always I do.
At 5:45pm Kaila the sup took me and then at 7:25pm I came back and signed back.

Last Saturday July 22 
I went to Trader Joe's with the van 
I spent $90.90 

It is all in good healthy food.

Last week Jamie was busy with her daughter Birthday party so she was not at the store.
She was there this week to play with me.

I came back put away the grocery

I carefully cleaned the whole apartment 

I know how to keep it clean.

I have been cleaning a lot.

The rack in the oven 

I was  cleaning as always the apartment.

The bathroom

Che wood cabinets

More of mt bathroom

It is all cleaned

Obviously I took care of all my clothe.

I changed my bed and cleaned carefully my bedroom.

I run the vacuum cleaner and all the usual activity of maintaining a clean environment.

I am not in the mood of either going to the movie nor going to church.

Both activities have been highly unreliable in my opinion.

At church CNS has been many times late. All they had to say is I am sorry.
Obviously for them is not that important. So why should it be for me dear CNS?

Well  I am removing myself from the picture entirely.

The world keeps spinning even without church in Bakersfield.

It is fine by me. Only when in La Canada with my family I will be going to church at S. Bede.

At least we are on time over there.

I did not go to the movie outing either. I honestly have not appreciated the CNS stance on this matter either . Alternating South and North block as a rule. Thank you guys I  do not accept your rules at all.

I do not accept it so  I am not going there either.

I am  refusing  in fact to get any outing money. I will be like that because that is the way I like it to be.

I will keep refusing getting it as I have made my decisions based on my experience and service with CNS.

On the other hand I went to the gym on Sunday and did my work out routine per June 25th.

At 4:15pm I was back with Miss Lin

On Saturday I wrote and sent a letter to my mother in Verona Italy.

It has been written in Italian. 

For my mother is hard to send me back mail.

In Italy the special stamps that are for the US are not available.

So it is fine like this.

Last Sunday I wrote this letter to my kids

My Sunday activities

The family is enjoying Rome . The kids are having a good time.

Chicco has  is become really tall.

They are in Piazza Navona with the famous Fontana di trevi

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