Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tuesday July 18

Let's start by say that CNS was negligent this morning as there was no water in the unit and the lady who was driving said she is not responsible for it. She is negligent of being indifferent.
She was mean to me... if I were her manager I would most definitely put her on a paid leave.

Obviously she is not paid enough so for an average pay at CNS check the information below.
It is all available on the web.

this NRS  is a short,  large person  quite common seeing at CNS.

In my opinion to   the extend she is accepting a salary from CNS she is fully responsible to make sure any  unit she is driving is fully provided with a chest of cold water.
Despite her claim of saying it is not her job... I beg to differ on this matter her job is...

This is her mission statement a job she has signed on when she applied for at CNS.

CNS Mission Statement

To reduce disability, maximize independence, and achieve the maximum quality of life for patients that have suffered brain injury within the patient's existing financial constrains.

Because today she was ballsy enough to tell me this is not her job.

In fact it is only 93F in beautiful Bakersfield, the place many call home.

The place that is a foreign land to me.

Today  I am frankly pissed, angry at the CNS community at large for failing to meet their basic requirement. I resent   everybody that has the CNS logo on its shirt.

I hope somebody at CNS reads this blog...

Why is water so important? Normally I am fully watered in the morning.

Today at 5:30am I had a blood drawn.. so this is the day when I need water most and  CNS does not give anything about it. To be a cavalier CNS does not give a bloody damn about it.

You can replace bloody damn with whatever come to your mind.

Anyway how about you CNS making sure you fulfilled  the task for what you are paid for?

Apparently you are not even capable of taking care of simple things like water in the unit...

Dedra Gisby, Vanessa Cortez, or one of the many sups should get activated to do the job they are paid for.

 I hope somebody at CNS will act based upon it.

Anyway I called CNS at the central number to complain about this negligence.

At least I am taking care of my own thing. Cleaning, so much dust and dirt comes from the air in Bakersfield.

Of course the morning was rough..for me.
Blood drown at 5:30am like a real inmate.

Frozen shrimp on my head to compensate my shunt hurting.

Frozen peas from the freezer on my head

It goes worse and worse.

I attended the brief parade at the Swain Center or as I call it the shack of CNS.

Oh yes because right now the shack at CNS is open for business everyday.
This is the best CNS has to offer.

With the usual parade of indifferent characters over there.
Some screams, others curse, others are not capable of following.

Is this a therapy of hell in hearth?

Park in the morning... bloody hot temperature in Bakersfield.

Oh Lordy I can  not stand the shack in the morning. The parade of characters in it.

The meaningless time I am force to spend in it.

Because I live  CNS as a sentence.

And like a prison we all are inmates, with a number and a duty to check in and out at the Rehabilitation center.

Just to fill in my time...

My mother in Italy is putting together her documentation for her health.
She has a mission: she will apply for a disabled parking permit at the local  branch of the Motor Vehicle Office.

Yesterday I had been writing and cooking so no gym
Here is the letter I composed for the kids.
After all it was a 7-17-17 or as it written in Europe as 17-7-17.
This is also called a palindrome.

Yesterday I spent time to cook a great lentils soup.
I washed the lentils with running water and a fine mesh colander

I sorted the lentils carefully.
I cleaned a couple of carrots and a celery stalk

On the cutting board  I chopped a  white Organic Onion and smashed several garlic cloves.

Obviously I made a soffritto with Coconut Oil, sliced onions, garlic and tiny sliced vegetable

Afterward I added the washed lentils and let the whole mix going for a few minute to let the lentils acquire the flavor of the soffritto.

At this point I added water, a vegetable bouillon cube and a few bay leaves.  

I also  adjusted the salt with pyramid sea salt.

It all cooked gently  in the large pot.

Finally after forty minutes of boiling gently the lentils were done.
I had my soup and ate peaceful.

I hate when I am rushed especially eating in a rush.

This might work well for the most of the American people because they are used to do so.

I simply do not like to be rushed eating, I like to enjoy the flavor, consistence and texture of what I am eating. Full stop.

Because  I was cooking and writing I did  not  go to the gym.

Beside .. it is a beside.

I told you guys many time, I am stable at 180lb.. 
you should worry about the weight of the average person in Bakersfield that does not go to the gym.

They really have a  major issue. 

Hence I recommend you to monitor their weight rather than mine. I am fully capable of taking care of my own thing. Clearly CNS has to take care of their own obligation. Forgive me to get back to this matter like an adequate supply of water...
According to the web and the glass door website an NRS makes $9 to $10 per hour.
I am assuming they work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a weeks and for 52 weeks in a year.
The salary of an NRS comes at $18,000 a year.

I guess this is most definitely enough money for depressed area like Bakersfield.

It is actually extremely low for the Los Angeles area.

 For the industry I am used to be involved and the location   the base salary for a designer was $60,000 a year. Very stilled designers were going for about $100k a year.
Exceptionally skilled ones were paid $120,000 a year.
I guess these numbers are low compared to the one that are used in Silicon Valley where there is a lot of competition and offering for designers. It goes by itself that life over there is more expensive as a whole. Hence to attract talents you have to compete of the salary side.

Imagine the difference of work place, imagine the different of location.

Why I remember the salary range? Because I was part of the negotiating process.

The closing of the process was left to the HR department with the recommendations of the hiring contact  in charge.

Enjoy the reading and remember what you have signed for CNS at large.
It is your choice to be at CNS, not mine anyway...

Try to see where Catullo will lead with this sonnet in Latin.
Unum solem occidit redire sed carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

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