Thursday, July 20, 2017

Thursday July 20 2017

Today is Thursday July 20 2017 or as I like to call it is 720p day.

Why is is that you might ask.  Because one of the  standard of the HDTV is called 720p.

Old memories from my previous life. Nowadays the leading format is set by the technical capabilities of such companies like this one.

Yesterday evening I noticed It was time to cook the Salmon. It was two days before the use by  date so I decided to use it.

I cooked in the pan with a side of a Quinoa based salad.

First I prepared the marinating bath for the salmon. I  finely minced the garlic, added salt, pepper and an acidic liquid such a freshly squeezed lemon juice.

You see here combined in a large bowl

This is another view of the same ingredients

I covered it with an Aluminum foil  and then I  set it marinating in the fridge for fifteen minutes.

 Here is me wearing my white apron

As a side I cooked Quinoa.

First of all it is called to wash carefully the Quinoa seeds.
I used a fine mesh colander and running water to wash out the bitter Quinoa coating.

Once carefully washed out  it  was ready for cooking.

In a pot I added water, vegetable bouillon cube  a bay leaf and I used a pinch of salt

It cooked very gently for 20 minutes.

Here is the Quinoa after the broth was fully absorbed.

It means  it is ready.

As such it was then time to cook the salmon.

I removed it from the fridge where he has been  marinating

I added coconut Oil to the large pan and gently cooked the salmon.
It takes just a few minutes per side.
It is a fast cooking fish.
Actually to tell it all I had an NRS in the apartment.
She distracted me a lot with all those questions.

I ended up under cooking the fish. Let's call it Sushi style cooking.

Here is the fun part of it.

Quinoa based salad with Heirloom tomatoes avocado and Quinoa

It all makes a wonderful salad.for my dinner

Anyway here is my dinner.
Salmon with marinated juice and a great Quinoa Based Salad.

I ate it fast savoring it and then went to the gym with CNS.

I was dropped at the gym by Cassie the  Sup.

At the gym I had static cycle with Cassie Marie.

Cycle is a fun class to take.

Sweating a lot all together.

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia Walker.

She is a kind person that teaches at the gym.

I stayed light focusing on range of motion and repetitions.

I am not there to bulk up myself.
Beside I do not want to get into any medical troubles at the gym.

I have to look after myself. I can not pump iron too hard. 
My body right now has its own limis  and I learnt to live with it.

At about 10 minute to 7 I called CNS for pick up.

A NRS came to pick me up. Her name is Angel.

I am clearly a gym aficionado.

So she came to pick me up and she took me back to the apartment.

Over there I had my evening routine: my shower and a light snack.
I went to bed wearing my retainer for my teeth.

I slept well and woke up at 6 well rested ready for my day.

I  had a good breakfast same as yesterday.

Overnight Oatmeal, cold , Cereal, blueberry and high fiber fruit and Nuts Multi-grain Medley  Cereal.

I like it very much.

I went to the park. A nice day to walk around.
Nobody  here today.

Sometime there are a few harmless homeless people  that are lingering at the park. 

I could walk around free to roam

I also had money management today.

However as planned I only picked up the grocery money.

No outing money. Last week I returned them the whole outing money.

When in Rome do like the Romans do.  

When In Bakersfield do like I feel like. after all  I am on my own here.
When my wife decides what to do I am fine. she is my wife after all.
I am with her.

You see CNS has devised a system for alternating the blocks that are allowed to go to the movie.

I personally do not like to be told what to do and when to do to . Particularly to be subjected to the decision of other people that have  assumed to role to decide what to do supposedly on their patients behalf.

Because this person is not related to me nor is part of my own family, I do not recognize her to be in charge. She might believe so, she might be paid by CNS to be so... perhaps,  however ultimately I am in charge of conforming to do what I want to do.

So I am frankly staying out from any outing activity.
As such I am refusing any outing money. So that there is no last minute change or heart.

Last week I took the money and returned it entirely untouched. 

So I already done it once.

In the land of the free I am free from these tasks decided for me by another unrelated person to me.

The world keeps spinning anyway indifferent of what it is happening in Bakersfield at CNS.

Simona just called me from  Italy.

She is with the boys in Valgardena- Northern Italy - visiting a cousin of hers.

Her name is Paola and she resides in Ortisei with her family.

Her husband Freddy is a professional skying instructor.

He works  the whole year high in the mountain where there are is perennial snow.

Simona mentioned that the boys are well. 
Her cousin Paola is pleasantly surprised by the amount of food tht Chicco eats.

He eats a lot and as if he were a full grown adult person. In fact he is only 12 years old and in full growth mode.

Later tonight at the apartment it is time to make the list for Grocery Shopping for next Saturday.

I need to make an accurate list without buying too much 
Well easier said than done anyway.

Here is a confirmed news

Frankly I am sure there is something beyond the hill for me.

I am not worried because I know I can overcome anything.
There are not many people around to be able to talk about it 

My family is well so this is important

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