Monday, July 3, 2017

Monday July 3 2017

Well, my shunt is doing better.  All the Buspirone I am taking is making an effect.
As always in the morning it does hurts a lot. There is nothing to be done about it.

How I am doing... well ask the shunt how it is doing rather than me...

My Organic  breakfast.

My sciatic nerve is also improving. I am using Salompas patch during the night time.
It is a medical patch that let the skin absorbs medication to  help the sciatic nerve to recover.
I purchased by myself last Thursday.  The only patch available at nursing is the small tiny type.
I purchased large patch  about 5x3

I was given the following glass by my Nurse Melissa

She went to the Niagara Falls for a visit. 
She noticed it had my family name and she brought it back to me.

Last Friday June 30 I took my weight.
It is 177.6lb

It is what it is right. 
Apparently it does matter for CNS.

I made myself a good insalata russa.
It is easy to make and healthy to eat.

I cooked brown rice, a lot of sliced veggies a couple of boiled eggs.
Organic Mayo

 Nothing new the usual well proven preparation for it.

The family is back home at Simona's home in Rome, Italy.

They are having a good time over there.

Visiting the beautiful city so much full of history

Lapo shows his  dabbing skills  everywhere.

They all are having a good time

The boys enjoy the view from the stairs of  Trinita' ai Monti

They had time to eat Arancini among different local foods.

It consists of a large  ball of rice with Saffron, filled with mozzarella and peas.

The arancini are then well browned in Olive Oil or something like that.

The family had time to go to the beach in Rome.

The boys are having a good time.

They can swim in a safe environment

Lapo is playing with  the sand

Last Saturday  July 1st for me it was  the usual routine. Cleaning and shopping.

I cleaned and walked to my favorite shop

Here is the shopping part



My shopping bags filled with good food.
It is worth $126.1 

I used $75 by the Insurance and $51.1  on my card

Here is the list I am compiling on Thursday to be used for the next Saturday morning,.

By the way I rushed eating and putting away everything because at 2pm there was a meeting with my IPC Deluna.

I rushed at 2pm at her office. Nobody around nobody knew where Deluna was...

No message nothing of nothing clearly as if she did not exist. 

And indeed she did not exist on that day.

The only recourse left was to leave a paper rail of her unjustified absence.

My complaint form was duly filled. Posted for the CNS Case Manager Jolanta Baranoski.

Obviously  I called her at the clinic and left a pissed  voice mail.
They are paid no matter what. I have already been there and done this procedure at no effects.

At the end of the day they all get the same amount of money and nobody gets hurt.

C'mom CNS this is not the way to conduct your business.

All she is supposed to do is do give me my money  because this is not De Luna Money it is in fact my own money. 

So here is the email about it.. (for what is worth it anyway)

expect and demand you to make the money available by early this week  
It is not your money. It has been given to you by my wife based on good faith. 
CNS you are not delivering on your commitments. Perhaps you should start holding accountable your employee 

Deluna broke the trust she was enshrined with.
Deluna should be punished for gross incompetence and negligence 

I  am Furiously annoyed by your lack of accountability 
Sent from my iPhone

I did not go to the movie.
There was nothing to watch nor I like to be told what to do and what I can or can not watch.
So I abstained and used the money for church instead.

 I read my latest Economist magazine instead.
Far more interesting than any other stupid show available at the Theater.

Because there are a lot of stupid movies around. 

The current landscape suffers of creativity.

The studios are deploying a low risk approach. It is based on  the approach of  running sequel movies.

Because the studios like to have a return ensured  so they have a lot of reiteration of the same genre.

On Sunday July 2nd I went to church.

I was taken by CNS very late at church.

Apparently you  do not care to provide a service on time.

Apparently church is an option for CNS...

David was the driver and he is the responsible for being late.
I hold him responsible anyway.
All he was capable of saying is mumbling  "I am sorry...." well David you might be sorry.... perhaps you are not cut for this job either.

By the way you should shave in the morning before coming to work. 
In my opinion  your look is not professional like that.
And my opinion is what matters after all dear David.

Apparently CNS accused the poor service because Angie told me she would be the driver next Sunday. 

At church Rose was fine, she mentioned that her son Ron is doing better and that it will take months for him to get stronger.

This time no Angie to bug me at church.  She was very inappropriate last week
I hope she had realized she is not a welcome person to bug me.

I  had a quick byte and went to the gym.

I signed out at 1:25pm and by walking- pedibus calcantibus- 
arrived there at 2pm.  

I followed the work out program from June 25 

Leg curl
Leg extension
Legg Press
Chest Press
Shoulder Press
Compound Row
Seated Row
Vert Chest
rotary torso

All these are 3x20 reps

I stretched very accurately before leaving. 
I left at 3:25pm and signed back in at the apartment at 3:50pm

At the gym I met many familiar people.

Suzy and her husband Leon.

I showed them the picture of the family in Rome.
Suzy was interested in understanding what Simona is doing in life. She was very receptive in lessening what I had to day about it.

I greeted Brandon. He said that as I am doing better and working out better. he told me  I am inspiring him in life.

I take it as a great compliment.

Before leaving the gym I greeted Ashley, Keila and AJ.
They are all nice girls at the reception at the gym.
I walked back.

The pedestrian walkway in Bakersfield are littered with trash.

It is Obvious the city does not care about maintaining a clean environment for pedestrian.
In fact  hardly anybody walk in this place. Everybody drives big SUV gas guzzlers.

Day after day there are the same piece of garbage on the pedestrian walkway. It is a sign the Bakersfield city does not spend a dime in caring for pedestrian. 
After all this place is all about big gas guzzler, possibly with the American Flag in big display. 

So much different from back home in La Canada.

There is a world worth of difference between this country side attitude and the refined life in La Canada.

After the gym I made a healthy Quinoa salad
A  lot of healthy veggies, mixed with cooked Quinoa

I boiled a couple of eggs to go with it.

So I cooked my salad and had the eggs.

Quinoa is full of plant based protein, eggs are full of proteins.

In the quinoa salad some cubes of Manchego cheese as well.

After eating I spent my time cleaning

Of course I like it to be clean.

Today I had a quick lunch her at my desk as the other normal people here at the House they tend to stay away from the kids area. I learnt from the adults at this place. They all consume their lunch at their desk away from the actual reality of things.

In verona Italy my mother's house is undergoing some upgrading.
A new air conditioning system is being deployed.

This is one of the outlet 

She mentioned she purchased pumpkin flowers the other day.

She panned it and then fried and here it is. 
Fiori di zucca pronti da mangiare.

I am checking my memory book and today and tomorrow Simona is busy attending a conference in Rome.

Enjoy the reading

You do not know what the world at CNS is like.. anyway the same story the bridge to a meaningful recovery...
Opps I forgot more Marketing spin: a patient's experience

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