Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday July 17 2017

Please note the date today it is 7-17-17  or as it used in Europe it is written as 17-7-17 .

Over there their use of writing a date is as following,  first is the day, second the month finally the year. It makes today's date 17-7-17. It is a very curious day.

This morning I had to attend to the shack meeting.. I honestly can not stand that place.The shack is a large building in front of the apartment with a long table and several chairs. Nothing in it, as mentioned before there are not even restroom available. Call it a place for therapy..I call it   simply and plainly the Shack

Here is a picture of a Shack for you to consider.
Obviously there is no snow in Bakersfield. Shack features remains. Largely inhabitant and old building. With a dubious level of service.Questionable value and purpose.

There is nothing in it, except for behavioral patients.

 The daily confusion, parade of wheelchairs, and parade of odd characters is enlightening, really worth for the price that it is spent for  the building.

Among all of this mess I am supposed to read the newspaper of the day with the news of the day as if there were any patients with a CR (Cognitive Rehabilitation) level high enough to follow the newspaper fact of the day.

The mess is supreme. For instance this morning one of them mister K. P. - if you want me to spell it I can do it as well- was screaming to turn off the fan.. note this is a shack in Bakersfield without any other AC in it. He has a loud voice and when he screams he screams.He sounds like a little  girl who lost a candy. He has a baritone tone of voice instead and uses many expletive curse  words. Same impulsive reaction of a little girl. Unlikely bad taste. Perhaps a sailor would be able to compete with his language.

It is well above 100 F... so imagine how comfortable that place has become.

Picturing my own breakfast?

Today it worth noticing that Federer won its 8th straight Wimbledon Championship in London.
I guess my wife and kids were happy for him.

In the newspaper the usual Trump saga and parade of sad characters.
Anyway who am I to judge his shortcomings? I suppose there are also other people that point it.

For instance this guy. I guess he looks familiar.

It is a super hot day. Of course the triple digit temperatures is felt in the area

Yesterday it was a Sunday and I took a day easy doing my own things.

I had a good breakfast I cooked and went to do my own things at the gym.

First my pasta cooking
I made some excellent Trofie pasta with home made sauce

I cut the celery, carrots, tomatoes and smashed a couple of cloves of garlic

Here are all the vegetables lines up for the sauce

I set a large pan cooking gently with Coconut Oil and vegetable bouillon cube for the broth
It meddled gently all together.

The frofie pasta was cooking on the large tall pot at the left.
I used a pinch of Pyramid salt in it.

Here is the sauce cooking. On the side there is a container of feta cheese I used  later with the trofie.

Once the trofie pasta was cooked al dente, I drained it while keeping a glass of the boiling water.

Then I combined the pasta, the sauce and water. I also mixed it with the crumbled Feta and Parmesan cheese.

I added Olive Oil and red pepper flakes.

So this is a well proven  pasta recipe. Healthy and very easy to make.
I just love it.
On Sunday morning I wrote a letter to my kids

As customary it is written in English and block letter.

At 1pm I signed out and went to the gym.

Over there I greeted Angela, Amanda, Suzy and her husband Leon.

I brought stickers for Kayla's daughter.

She appreciated it.

At the gym on Sunday  I run my own program which is written on my memory book on June 25.

Here is reported for your own reading.

I am following it whenever I can. 
It fits the time I have available and my body type.

I was done at 3:30pm as I dedicated time to stretch. 
 It takes me about 2 hours to  complete my own program.

Finally at 3:35 pm I left 

I then walked back and stopped at Albertsons store  to buy  a triple use personal wash: it is a body wash,shampoo, conditioner.

3 in 1.. we will see after all it must be all the same detergent.
I signed back at 3:45 pm

After all the message is to promote independence I am pretty independent person.
I do not like to wait for them to go to Walmart. I frankly can not stand that place, no the people going inside.

Hence I am finding all sort of alternative way to get what I need at other places.

Last Saturday July 15 I cleaned the apartment. The usual deep cleaning nothing new to report.

There was a fire alarm drill exactly like the one from June 15 a month ago.

The usual commotion and parade of patients in full sun ensured.

I set my phone for August 15th  to see if they conduct monthly fire drill. 

This is showing who is in charge at CNS and who is not. 

The ones that smoke had a good time anyway. 

They enjoyed their chance of  smoking  outside like real inmates next to the ones who do not smoke.

Pat pat  of the back to the fire alarm drill. It shows who is in charge at CNS.

Anyway the inmate status is well know to you all.

Kind of sad to be subjected to this nasty effluvium.. I guess it comes to be condemned in this  prison like me.

Because this is the way I am living it, anyway. 

A lot of similarity to a detention place. We all have a number a check in time and check out time..
We are all accounted and counted for. 

Anyway   Overnight Oat completed on Saturday July 15 

This is the fine recipe I am following 

On Saturday the usual routine. Cleaning the apartment and washing all my clothes.
Mr Independent as I am called over here.

Then at 10:30am I went with the bus to do shopping at Trader Joe's.

I did not fall. I spent $120.46 all in good Organic food.

Only for me... 

I came back with the bus tagged everything and put it away.
Recollected my clothing from the drier. The usual weekly routine.
Fan activities for sure...

I purchased a jar of something that a patient asked me to get for her.
Her name is Ingrid. I brought it to her.
She returned me the money.

I  then went with my IPC at Raid Aid to purchase Mouthwash.

The  meeting with her does not fit  anyone's   schedule. She is not there most of the time, and I have to do everything in a rush to come back to her empty office. 

It was decided to move it instead  to every Friday at 4pm.
We will see how well this different approach goes.

There was no movie outing because they decided to alternate between north and south quad... 
In my experience it is not a matter of capacity most definitely.

Again show me the data why you do it I will believe you. 

Right now you have lost any credibility in front of my eyes.

 There must be data available at CNS somewhere showing attendance vs time, or capacity vs time.

Any simple data to support and rationalize whatever CNS is doing 

It looks to meas if they   run by a voluble woman who is ready to change her own opinion on any matter regardless of who she is impacting.

Anyway I had received my Economist magazine I had been reading it all along. Far more interesting to spent time with the CNS patients anyway.

I do not like being in contact with any of them.

Last Friday I cooked chicken tight with flour coating. From last to first here is the sequence.

Rolling the chicken tight in flour with spices

Using the lemon juice for the chicken

After eating the chicken I then signed out. It was  5:30 pm and I went to the gym.
It was Zumba night with Laurie. She is a surprisingly lady. For her age you would not expect her to be such an agile person. She has long white hair.

Her appearance is tricky. Her body is very agile and fit. She shows a long white pony tail.
I came back with Dylan and signed back in  at 7:15pm

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