Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thursday July 6

I  am doing well.

Simona called me from Italy. She is doing well. Keeping track of the kids, and of her long due time with the family.

We commented that wherever she goes in Italy, she always find good food for the whole family.

The family is having another memorable experience. It is a gastronomical feast.

This morning I had a very busy day already.

I had money management completed.

I did my morning walk in the park... it is a really hot day.

I got the newspaper of the day. I returned the money because the kiosk was broken and it opened by itself. I gave back the money to Miss Mary at the reception.

I had a good breakfast. Oatmeal, cereal, blueberry, banana and yogurt and high fiber fruit and Nut Multi grain Medley Cereal

I also took care of meal prepping my breakfast for the next few days.
I made overnight oat.  I have already tried it several times. It is a well proven recipe.

It is based on uncooked oatmeal which is  let soaking overnight with a very healthy bath of ingredients. I am using Chia seeds, protein powder, a tad of salt, peanut butter, a half a cup of  milk and  coffee.

Overnight the Chia will absorb the liquid and expand becoming chewing.

I am using this glass jar that I have saved. It used to contains Coconut Oil.

This is the preparation I am following. I have got it from the internet.

I tweaked a bit and here it is revealed.

My back has been improving. 
I am using an overnight  Salompas patch for my piriformis sciatic nerve. 
It is getting better over time.
I stressed it at the gym by doing too much of the stepper machine.
It is my fault as it all on me this time. 

Anyway since several months I stayed away from it. Keeping the pain at bay.

it is hard to get the nerve back on track.

The flowers near the apartments are always doing great.

The heat is making it to be blooming.

Yesterday I set up my latest gizmos. It is a fitness tracker. I asked my wife to buying it on Amazon and to ship it to me.

This is a waterproof device. It is designed to be more durable than the past one I had which was not water proof. 

I guess for the first generation they tried and failed. 

C'mom  a sport cardio wrist band not waterproof...

This device links to my phone by Bluetooth and  to alert me about any incoming call. 
I like it very much and I keep it dear.
I am frankly hoping it is going to be lasting me for long time.

Simona and the boys  are in Rome back home.

Today they have been at the swimming pool.

Together with the boys there was Johannes a cousin of them

He has the same age as Lapo our youngest.

Yesterday I distributed the latest schedule of the week then booked for the movie at the Maya for  this incoming Saturday.

I am going there based on the movie showing.

Three weeks ago I went to see Wonder Woman and I liked it.

A week ago my family came to visit me and we went to eat Sushi at Ichiban Sushi.
It is also the same day when I felt on the bus returning from Grocery shopping.

Two weeks ago I went to see Beatriz at Dinner.
Last Saturday I did not go to the movie there was nothing interesting to me based on the available movie.

Whenever I do not go to the movie I use the money outing for offering at church. 

Over there they must think I have a lot of disposable income to get rid off.

In reality this is far from the truth.

In the next few days Simona will be visiting with the boys my mother in my home town.

She was able to have the AC going and ready for them.

The temperature over there is as hot as in Bakersfield.

Tomorrow the HH office is closed.  I will resume operation on July 10

Yesterday at the apartment I cooked a really good chicken.

I called it chicken fantasy style.

As it came out of my really ingenuous brain and passion for cooking.

I had some chicken tights available. 

In a large bowl I prepared the rubbing mix by combining white wheat, salt, pepper dry herb and cumin.

I coated the chicken very carefully and rolled it with the rubbing.

As always I used Coconut Oil to cook the chicken.
This is a very good Oil. It is composed by fatty acids for over 90%. It is the perfect oil for   high temperature cooking. 

While it was cooking in a large pan I carefully and slowly added some fresh squeezed lemon juice.

It all cooked slowly and  very accurately. 
This method allows to amalgamate the different ingredients and flavors by binding  it together to the chicken  tights.

As a side I had some large heirloom tomatoes filled with Quinoa that I had made at an earlier time.

Love to cook... for sure as nobody cooks for me at CNS.

Whenever I am back home Simona is taking care of this matter for the whole family.
Normally she cooks for herself and the kids. 
Because she is always in a hurry she does cook well.

Anyway I am cooking because I like to cook for me.

Right now I am taking care of it.

It is fine by me

Today I have to compile the grocery list for shopping next Saturday.

I am better taking my time to make sure I am not buying too much as it is my habit.
For sure I have run out of Quinoa.
By the way the other day my water bottle from Caltech broke and it was spilling water all over me.
I resorted in  picking from my kitchen the old water bottle.

This is holding there.

It really broke my heart, because the other water bottle was from Caltech where my wife works as a Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering.

I can make some Quinoa Stuffed Zucchini during the weekend 
We will see how well this matter goes on.

Right now I am a Quinoa fan 

It is a super grain very healthy, protein packed.

Speaking of healthy food this is my lunch.
It is based on yesterday's dinner. Quinoa with Chicken ...and with a lot of grapes 

yum... it makes me hungry again..
I love to eat you eat to stay healthy...which one goes first?

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