Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday July 10 2017

Well I had a pretty good weekend.

Last Thursday  I came back to the apartment compiled the list for Grocery Shopping for Saturday morning. Then I cooked something good and went to the gym
I signed out at 5:15 arrived at 5:54

I did body combat wit Scott and Zumba with a new person.

Finally at 7pm I left and walked back to the apartment
I signed back in at 7:25pm.

Last Friday HH was closed.

I had a chance of doing what I wanted to do

I wrote a letter to my boys

I made a lentil soup, a lot of healthy vegetable in it.

I cleaned the kitchen and the fridge ( more below)
Here is my memory book to help  me navigating thru that day

In the afternoon I went to the gym with CNS.
I started following my own program reported above.

At some point I had body combact  with Scott.

At the end of it I greeted Damian.

He told  me his girlfriend Trish was about to go back home and that I should ask her to get a lift back to the apartment.

And so  I did,  she drove  me back to the apartment.

Obviously when I signed back in Taylor was very inquisitive with me.

I repeated telling her the truth. That is Trish gave me a lift back.
She stated she was not believing me.

Well this is what happened.

As expected I woke up with my right hand of the head hurting. My inner right eye is pulling from the inside.

I am always expecting my head hurting on the right hand side which is the side my shunt is located.

I definitely have been working too hard at the gym. In the spur of the moment I am not holding back.

It is the result of me working out. I am doing a lot of cardio stuff, not the heavy lifting. I stay away from that section. You can see I am using the machine on a regular basis with pretty low intensity weight.

I had a healthy breakfast today holding on my head a bag with ice as recommended by my Case Manager. It did help a bit.

As I am writing to you I feel my skull hurting.

Sunday morning  I went to church. I paid my duties.

Once a week is as much as I do it.

I had $3.50 left to balance my outing money.

Finally I went to the gym gym as expected

I was driven to the gym by a sup.

I then followed my own work our routine.

I stretched a lot and then came pack at  4pm.

I walked back by myself and signed back in at aboyt 4:45 pm.

It takes me about 45 minutes to come back by myself after the gym.

I asked the gym about the membership. Caesar the sup had asked me for this info.   This is the information I was given

The boys have been  in Verona, Italy my home town visiting my mother for a couple of days.

Left my mother, middle the boys Chicco and Lapo, right my brother Francesco

I made some overnight Oat for my breakfast
It is a well proven recipe for me

This is the recipe I am following
It has been written in my memory book on June 6.

Since then I am following it whenever I am making it.

the family in Italy keeps spending time with my mother and brother

Because my brother is an expert paraglider at home he has this set up.

Our kids have enjoyed jumping in the bags for the paraglider.

This is our youngest Lapo

This is our eldest Chicco

Chicco again enjoying some time in Verona.

Of course I have been cooking a rise salad ... because I like it a lot with the temperature in Bakersfield

It is fun to make and to combine basic ingredient that I have at the apartment.

First washing the brown Basmati rice.

I cooked in water for 40 minutes

I washed some raw vegetable

I cut the vegetable in small piece and opened a few cans.

The first can was corn the second was tuna fish in Olive Oil

I  boiled several eggs  to use it with the rice salad.

 Finally I mixed it all added condiments and Organic Mayo.

My weight On July 9 is 179.6lb.

Hard to read the LCD display. You have to tilt your head to get the right angle.

Last Saturday evening I went to see the following movie

The movie was played on MPX theater and costed $12.

I had a snack - dibs and tea for a  total of  $8.5

This gives for church exactly $3.5 and it balances out the outing money.

The news of the week is that CNS allows patients to go to the movie only once every two weeks.

It is a new policy they have come up with.

One week Innovation the other week active... go figure out  what CNS is thinking to achieve.

The actual truth of the matter  is that at the movie there were only 2 other people with me.

This is not definitely a capacity matter.. something fishy is going on 

We will see more.

I went down the kitchen and consumed my lunch in a blizzard because then the kids came to play on the TV. Eating relaxing or what... as always the French says J'ai beien bouffe.... it is argot.. the unofficial French language.

I  am not eating down there I am guzzling on my food without having the time to taste it like a real American person is used to do.. obviously they purpose is to become

My fault as I should plan to eat at my desk like the other normal people are doing, that is they stay out from down the kitchen...

Here is what I have been doing over the weekend. Extra cleaning of the fridge.

I washed all the different parts of the fridge. Cleaned the inside and checked on the food supply.

This is what it looked like afterward.

I have to make a Personal Remark and critics to CNS.

The temperature is well above 100F and there all have stopped to get water on the unit

Last Saturday there was no water.

I called the sup and Daurine has been very very very inappropriate in her language with me.

I told her that the Sup of transportation have being slacking because there is no water in the unit.

She did not act appropriately nor the situation had moved an inch.

Hence CNS is still being negligent regarding the water supply.

In my opinion you are a sup if you take care of certain things, if you do not want tot take care you just walk away. Dear Daurine it is not written in the stars you have to work at CNS.
However there are policies in place you have to follow.

If you do not follow it is called to be negligent.

And there are no really excuses for negligent people like you.

In addition the ice machine is broken and there is no ice either...

You see dear CNS and Jolanta Baranoski, and all CNS at large.... I hope you will go trough some similar experience once in your life to make sure that you  get to the same level of care and experience.

I said once and I said again, 
 I do not get what you are planning to achieve with all this petty negligence of yours.
For sure in my experience you have been negligent.

Because having a water  chest with fresh clear water is very basic amenity here in the land of the free that is in America.

As always on Saturday I clean the apartment and later  I did my grocery shopping. Because it was hot I took the bus to get there.

So I reached the store in a relatively good way.
I shopped, spent $113.98 used my master card for payment.

She is Jamie my go to person after shopping there.

I spent $113.98. I made a mistake because I put the total balance on my MasterCard believing I am a normal person. And in fact I am not a normal person as I am a patient of the CNS. Were I a normal person I would not be stuck here. 

I put my grocery shopping in my bags and returned with the bus.

It works pretty well.

Once back I sorted everything, applied label and put it in the fridge.

I retrieved my laundry that I had left drying, folded and put it away.

My mother is wondering if I iron anything.

In Italy it is very common to spent a few hours ironing the clean laundry.

Here I never been pressing at the apartment, and for that matter I will never be doing it.

While at CNS, there is really no need to have a  good looking dress code.

Where I in the real word I would be dressing differently. For the time being as this is not the real world I am not paying attention to the wrinkle on my clothes.

Simona and the boys are doing fine.
Simona has just called me. She doing well. She is in Italy and she keeps working even oversea.
She is telling me that her responsibility is to get things done at work.

She has Skype calls with student of hers. she has to keep up with the work she is involved with at Caltech.
Enjoy the reading

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