Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday July 21

It is a warm day in Bakersfield.

Not that much change from yesterday.

I am staying in AC environment and dress very lightly.

I had a very simple but healthy breakfast this morning.

I always prepared to get a healthy meal in the morning.

Overnight Oatmeal , Cold cereal with blueberry and milk
My standard meal in the morning..
A couple of coffee cups

After getting dressed I took a walk outside the apartment to feel the day out.

There are always the roses in the morning to wait for everybody.

The flowers in my balcony are growing strong.

In particular the basil plant I have planted in a larger flower pot  has been recuperating well.

It was clearly suffering  because of a its small  flower pot. It had not enough nutrient while the drainage of the pot was excessive and it was loosing all its water content.

Since I  planted in a larger flower plot by itself  it has also been growing some  new leafs.

I am feeling optimistic about its outcome.
It looks it is happier to live that way.

I am confident  it will be able to  do well in this  new setting.

I make sure to  add water twice a day because the season is really hot.

It has been definitely a good move for its health.

I went to get the daily newspaper at the kiosk near the apartment.

It is fine today I got one. There was another left in the kiosk.

I cleaned my apartment and then went to the Swain Center to participate to the reading of the newspaper.

At 10:30am I left to come here at Homes of Hope.

On the way to here we drove by the old  Enrichment Center.

It has been completed demolished. 

A new Smart and Final Supermarket store  has been built at the far end of the plot of land.

I am assuming they will use the land for customer parking and for the viability of the supermarket.

How did I spend my day yesterday...

Well first of all I  carefully compiled  my grocery list for shopping this incoming Saturday morning.

I double checked on what I had available - it is a lot of non perishable food.

I  then  started cooking.

Last week I planned it in advance  for making stuffed zucchini. 

It is also  called Zucchini boat.

Sine it is summer time, I am using a plant based protein with it.

I  used Quinoa.

I first cooked the Quinoa in an aromatic vegetable broth .

It cooked gently for 20 minutes. 

It was time for me to carve  the zucchini in a boat like fashion.

It is easy to remove the inner core with a spoon.

I had purchased three thick Zucchini. It yielded six shells.

I carefully filled the Zucchini  with the cooked Quinoa.

I mixed to the Quinoa some grape tomatoes cut in halves.

I laid it out in a large cooking pan. 

To the stuffed Zucchini I  added crumbled feta cheese per the picture below.

It looks good doesn't?

I preheated the oven at 350 F.

When it reached the set temperature  I let it cooking in the oven for 30 minutes.

At the very end I used the broil in Low setting for a couple of minutes.

Once cooked I removed the baking tray and sprinkled the Zucchini with Olive Oil

It all looked good.

Because I was busy cooking  I did not go to the gym.

A guy came to bug me in the apartment. I refused its coverage and to me that the end of the story.

He said he would write down I had refused coverage. 
A mild threat if you were asking me.

 Well I am independent and fully capable of taking care  of things by myself for nothing.

I called my IPC and let her  a voice mail.  The content is that I  wanted to stay that way without any unqualified  dude bugging me. I am good this way.
You are kindly asked to devote the resources to the ones that really need it.

I am fully independent and I do not like to have  any  stranger dude around me in the CNS apartment.

I had a good dinner

All good food.

After cooking I cleaned accurately the kitchen space.

I cleaned the sink and the electric cooker space

I swept the floor accurately.

Afterward  I washed the floor with a couple of  swifter wet pad.

It all looked good to me.

I like to keep my cooking space clean and in good order.

I  am constantly cleaning the apartment. 
I always find something  to do over there.

In fact Lupe knows it and she has very little to do with me.

A quick check is what she needs to do.

Because of the dry weather it does not rain a lot,  hence the air is always filled with dust.

It deposits everywhere. 

I wonder what my lung will look like after staying here so  long.

It is more than 100F outside, it makes is 33C. 

Later today it is going to be even hotter.

The peak is going to be 35 C between 4pm and 6 pm.

It is what it is anyway.

I had my healthy lunch with the left over Quinoa filled Zucchini and a good Quinoa Salad I made yesterday. I had an apple as well.

Plan for the weekend?

Gym and more gym for sure.
What is also sure with me?

I have refused any outing money and will not go anywhere as a sign that I do not accept the way the CNS is controlling our life.

I am in control of my own life, hence no movie albeit this week the block belonging to my apartment would be allowed (BTW being allowed is a words I am very very allergic to dear CNS)

Also what is sure is that I will skip church as well.   I made my decision a few weeks ago and I am going to stick with it.

No more CNS church... I do not like the whole dependence or commotion of getting to church on time.
Too many times CNS has been late, obviously they do not care, all they had to say is I am sorry.

Well removing yourself from the situation is a way to get over it. Is it not the case?

Why should I care and take the rein of this matter dear CNS?

When I am in La Canada I am participating to church at S. Bede in La Canada with my kids.

I have not the slightest problem with this.
After all they are saying when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Mutatis  mutandis if you see what this means.


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