Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wednesday July 19

Already first of all a good news.

The other day I brought to Brian the IT person here at Homes of Hope my Google laptop.

Simona gave it as a present to me.

I had tried to get connected to it and realized that I had forgotten the password

Brian was gracious to work on it. As expected his only option was to do a clean reset of the laptop.

So today he got it to me and we were able to set a new password.

I have memorized it and saved in several places.

Anyway I am glad that it is over.

This morning I made a new batch of my favorite breakfast meal.
It is Overnight Oatmeal. I  prepared it according to the June 6 recipe.

This is the outline I have been following

This is the Oat preparation in the glass container before shacking it 

This is the container ready for the fridge.

I had my breakfast and cleaned the whole apartment.
CNS attributes it to me.

Actually calling my apartment is an improper use of the word.

This is not my apartment per se because I do not own it.

Currently I am the only occupant of it. I am actually residing in La Canada far from Bakersfield.
I keep it clean because I like to have a clean environment.

First of all I swept the floor there is always something to do over there.

I then used the swifter to wash all the tile floor carefully.

In the bathroom

In the kitchen

I clean the sink using the cleaning powder as always I am doing over there.

My breakfast has been as every day.
Oatmeal,Organic  blueberry with cold cereal, Organic  milk, High Fiber Nut Cereal.
Good breakfast for my day 

Oh I forgot to mention the coffee.

Before cleaning I  returned the receipts to Miss Mary at the reception.

I had spent only the money for my grocery shopping and returned all the outing money.

I am good this way. I enjoy too much my time away from the organized outing.

In reality I am a learner, quickly learning what I like and what I do not.

I learnt to stay away from any organized outing as such CNS calls it.

I used to go before to their outing. 

However a couples of bad experience convinced me to stay away as much as possible.

There is nothing wrong with it.

I am still standing. 

When in Rome do like the Romans do, as such when in La Canada I am doing like the people in La Canada are doing.

However when in Bakersfield I am taking care of myself by going to the gym only.

This what I have decided to do. It is my life after all.

There are patients that have to be told by somebody what to do.

I defy anybody telling me what to do or not. 

Simple and linear.

The family is well. 

Everybody is overseas visiting 

Simona is  not  on vacation. Only our kids are enjoy their  summer break.

Simona  has been able to organize several seminars for her at the different Departments of Atmospheres of the universities in Northern Italy.

Yesterday evening I had a good healthy dinner.

I partitioned in two parts. One for dinner and one  for today's lunch .

Later I signed off for the gym.

I was taken to the gym by Cassie the supervisor

At the gym I had body pump with Ellie and later Zumba with Mike.

I called CNS 10 minutes before the end of the class and Laurie the Site Manager came to pick me up with her own Chrysler Sebring  car.

I signed back in a 7:30 pm as always.

I slept fine and wake up slowly. I stoop up slowly to avoid any headaches. It is quite common for me to wake up and to get a strong headache. It is the pressure that is changing in my head. That is right on the right hand side of my upper skull I have a pump. It is because I have a pump inserted in my skull to keep the pressure on brain constant. I suppose this is the explanation... for further information please consult the relevant physician of the case in S. Barbara.

Today as every Wednesday the CNS is issuing a new schedule.

I will only taking mine because anyway it is always the same schedule.

I have decided I will never go to the movie with CNS any longer because they have been nasty to me.
I do not like their controlling attitude they are not super human that can control everything.

They are simply paid - little- to perform a medical job.

Here is the mission statement they all have  to be able to recall by memory at the time of their interview.

To reduce disability, maximize independence and achieve the maximum quality of life for patients that have suffered brain injury within the patients' existing financial constraints.

Please note the word independence...

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