Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday May 13

Yesterday I spent my day at the Homes of Hope here in town
It is my work placement program.

I am working with Brandon as my main contact.

I worked on a document for a foster parent application document.

I have a nice place to work and the house is very quite.

This is my working desk. The computer and the document I am working upon.

I stopped at pag 30.

They were getting ready for an event 

Typically at 2:30pm my work is done and it is time for me to go back to the apartment
A bit before 2:30pm I was ready to leave. Miss Violet drove me back at the apartment.

After working at the computer my head was exploding, I stretched my eyes and at the end it got better.

I came back at the apartment,  compiled carefully my grocery list and got ready for the gym

David took me to the gym.

I had Zumba with Mike.
Zumba is a good cardio exercise that  is good for my balance and my legs.

Afterward I had cycle class with Cassie

Her mom Rose is in Reno with her friends.

At the gym I greeted Wayne. He is always a good person to meet.

We were talking about sleeping helps and sleeping medication.

I mentioned him about my current regime that makes me sleep very well.

At 7pm I was ready to go back and David was waiting for me 

Yesterday one of the traffic light was not working and the traffic at White lane was very slow yet it was flowing nicely.

I came back at the apartment got a shower, a healthy snack and my evening meds.

I slept well and got ready for my day.

This morning I first took care of planting some daisy flower seeds on my balcony.

It is a good time to plant flowers.

I also  tasted the coffee that Simona brought me from her last trip

I had a healthy breakfast with Blackberry, High Fiber Cereal, milk.
I had also a blueberry yogurt a couple of spoon of flax seeds.
A lot of coffee and frothed milk.

Simona send me the frother tool. It is a steel cylindrical cup with a piston
At the end of the piston there is a fine mesh. 

By pumping the piston up and down  the vertical movement and the fine mesh introduces hair in the milk and make a wonderful foam.

The flowers at the apartment are gorgeous.

I can not resist each time I am winging by to snap some pictures.
It makes my day.

This morning Simona took our youngest boy for his yearly medical check up.

Our eldest Chicco was going to school for a regular day.

Simona is fine a busier than ever.

Enjoy your day

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