Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday May 9

Last Friday  May 6 I wrote a letter to my boys.

It is a Mother's day letter to my family

In the afternoon I went to the Maya Theater to watch a movie.

It is called the Avengers. A fantasy  movie based on Marvel Comics characters.

Marvel has found a new source of revenues stream by branching out into licensing its super-hero characters for movies.

She is Morgana always ready to pose for a picture. She always inquires about my family.

Morgana  mentioned that next week she is going to be busy because of  her sister's birthday.
She will not be at the movie theater.

Last Saturday May 7 morning I spent time  in taking care of the apartment.

Washing all my clothes, my bathrobe and all the linen in the apartment.

Cleaning around at my best.

As usual I went to do grocery shopping at the local Trader Joe's store.

I purchased all I wanted to get.

All healthy food, mostly I purchased Organic produce.

Buying Organic is worth whenever the produce has a skin that can not be peeled away.

The smiling people at Trader Joe's,



I also purchased  for Mother's day a flower plant for Simona

Whenever I  will see her the plant hopefully will still be there.

My mother in Verona had a good Mother's day.

She had a good lunch

My sister Isabella sent my mom a bouquet of flowers from Germany. my brother Francesco was going to check my mother's PC as she mentioned it was having some issues.

I called my mom  in Italy to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.

In the morning  I went to church at S. Philips the Apostle.

I also went to do recycle on Sunday after church

It was mostly Trash.

I guess next time I will be able to trow it by myself without enduring this spectacle.

I told it once before and yet I have been given a bunch of trash by my wife.

Sweaty, please put yourself in  my shoes and dare to use the trash bin as I am going to do from now on.

The pinnacle of my Sunday was going to the gym by myself.

walking to the gym from the apartment and following the usual procedures.. I got down for a while.

Signing out, calling the apartment once there, calling once I was done and signing back in.

It took me 30 minute to walk to the gym from the apartment.
It is 1 mile each way. I am clearly enjoying  my freedom and independence.

I also got on the weighing scale to get my weight.

It is  what it is.

I am stable at 181 lb that is 82 kg.

I am feeling good.

I worked out at the gym following my own program

A lot of legs and abdominal. 
I started working as well at my upper extremities.

I walked back, along the way I saw an interesting snake.

A car passed over it and killed.

It shows there are big snakes on the local hills of Bakersfield.

Well the sky was beautiful 

Once back I made myself a healthy frittata.

I mixed the quinoa, rice leftover with three eggs and Parmesan cheese.

Enjoy the reading

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Giuseppe complimenti sei veramente bravo gestisci il tuo appartamento e ti organizzi le tue giornate molto bene. Mi fa piacere. Un caro saluto Giulia
