Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 10

I had a good and resting nigh at the apartment.
The Ambient medications is kicking back in to produce a good and reliable effect on my brain, mood and body.

I most definitely feel the difference .

Yesterday evening I went to do Yoga at the gym with Lilli.

After Yoga I had cycle with Lolita. I set the bike on high to fully extend my lower extremities.

On my way out of met Salve.
I asked her to pose with me for a picture.

I posted it on my facebook site as well.

I clearly need a hair cut.. I booked one for this upcoming Wednesday.
Once every three months I am going to have one.

I filled in a cash requisition for $20 more than enough for a hair cut and the tip.

Once back home I called the boys. Chicco was studying the capital cities of the US while Lapo was playing with his Lego multi-color blocks.

At the apartment the roses are getting better and better

My breakfast...
Cereals, coffee milk and peanut jam with whole grain bread.

A lot of coffee with foamed milk.

Simona and the boys are fine.
They are all busy as usual.

Enjoy the reading

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