Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday May 11

Yesterday I went to my work program at  the Homes of Hope here in town

It is a Foster Parent Training Center where I do a lot of good work.

Brandon is following my progress over there.

I am working on a document for the center, a foster parent application document.

I am working independently and Brandon is following my progress.

It is a nice place for me to work and to help at my best capabilities.

This is the front door to the center

I took a picture with my last work I have done over there.

This is a view of the exterior from the web.

My memory book, I use it as a faithful tool for my progress.

It works really well for me,

Next time I will start at page 27 as I completed page 26.

At 2:30pm  It was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

I put  together a good dinner,

Breaded chicken cutlet breast with a side of vegetable and whole grain bread.

At 5:45pm I went to the gym. 

It was time for me to do body pump with Ellie.
Repetition and light weight to protect my body. I  am working  on range of motion for my lower extremities. Learning to bend my legs again. Hard for me to do as I am walking with a large base to keep me straight.

I am working on my walking capabilities, it implies lower extremities improvement, abdominal and general well being.

After body pump I had Zumba with Mike.

A good aerobic sport, harder that it sounds like. I like it very much.

At 7:15pm I was done and Chanel came to pick me up to bring me back to the apartment.
The usual routine of the evening.

Shower a snack and my sleeping medication.

I got my Ambient which makes me sleeping  time very restoring for me  and makes me waking up in a good mood.

Fully rested and recharged for my day.

Today I had the first part of my money management program.
It is receipt day.

As usual I am doing very well with the outing  money.

I am still failing on the Grocery shopping bill.

I am always eating at the apartment, I like to buy healthy food and fresh produce.
Whenever they have a thin skin It is worth buying Organic produce.

My healthy breakfast has been full of good food.

Cappuccino Coffee is a staple of my morning breakfast.

It is all good.

I called home this morning. they all are fine. The kids are at school as usual.
Simona is busy with her job at Caltech.
At home Simona's mom Anna is helping a lot with our kids.

Marina is also making sure our kids are taken care on their post school activities.

We are all making sure our two kids have a great and regular life.

It is a hot days in Bakersfield

Got a very healthy lunch outside under the patio

A home made lunch as usual.

I had the left over from yesterday dinner. Except for the fruit which is freshly cut for today

My wife texted me and she is doing fine. Her day is going on as per her very busy schedule.

She is a very busy lady indeed.

Enjoy the reading

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