Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday May 16

This morning Miss Amanda greeted me warmly as usual.

We agreed on the following change of schedule for my therapy.

On Tuesday at  11 am I will run the Meditation Group as Matt moved away and he is no longer working at CNS.

We also agreed that I will do more work at the Homes of Hope on Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday.

I really like the environment, the work and the people over there.

It is an agency for foster parent placement. I am working independently  and Brandon is making sure I am busy with a lot of good work.

Next Friday I had a scheduled meeting with my Case Manager Jolanta. 
After the meeting we will go to the Homes of Hope.

My family is doing well. Simona and the boys are busier than ever.
Simona is working very hard as usual.

This is my togetherness picture of the day. 

The weather is already hot in the morning.
I walked in the park and felt the heat.

The local flowers are enjoying the hot temperature.

Last Sunday I  went to church first.

It was Pentecost Sunday and the color at church was red.

A lot of people were wearing a  red piece of clothes

At church  Rose tapped on my shoulder to greet me. She is Cassie's grandma.
Cassie is the cycle instructor at the gym for my Wednesday PT.

After church I went to the gym. 

I walked to the gym by myself.
I followed the approved procedure.

  I signed out, let them know about my destination.

Once at the gym I called them to let them know I reached the gym.

The gym  is one miles away from the CNS. 

It took me 30 minutes to walk while respecting all the rules of the road.

I weighed myself. 

I am 178.6 lb. this makes 81 kg

I am still a few pounds heavier than I would like to be..
The key is to have a constant decrease and feeling good about it.

At the gym I greeted Leon  his wife and Chris from the community.

While at the gym I  followed my own program here reported in my memory book

A lot of leg, abdominal, some  weight for my shoulders.

Overall making sure I was taking care of using light weight, a lot of repetition.

Range of motion is the next aspect I was focusing.

Once done at the gym I called CNS to let them know I was leaving.

I walked back and signed in again.

I really enjoy walking to and from the gym.

Last Saturday Simona, Anna, Chicco and Lapo all came to visit me.

They all collected the letters I had prepared for them. 

Also stickers for Lapo I collected at the latest dentist cleaning appointment.

Simona forgot to bring with her the flowers I purchased for her.

It will stay with me until she come to visit me the next time.

On Saturday morning I cleaned the whole apartment, my own clothing, changed the bed and so on.
The usual deep cleaning routine of the weekend.

At 10:30am I went to Trader Joe's to buy a lot of good, Organic fresh produce.

As usual before leaving I took a picture with the smiling people working over there

Candace, Meredith and Joey.

My grocery list is as complete as possible.

Full of fresh and Organic produce.

I like to eat healthy.
Lately I started purchasing a lot of Organic food as I can see it makes a difference in quality.
My bill was 101.69  and it reflects the quality I am buying over there.

Last Saturday my family came to visit me

We went to eat at California Pizza Chicken.

Lapo had Maccaroni and Cheese.  He enjoyed  playing with his beverage.

Both Chicco and myself had the same large steak.

Chicco eat a steak by himself.

He did a  really good job.

I had mine and tasted really good.

I do not eat red meat often.
I enjoyed the large steak I had.

Our kids had a Sundae as well.
They enjoyed their little treat.

Last Friday I went to see a movie.
It is called Money Monster. 
The actors are George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

The movie's director is Jodie Foster.

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