Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday May 4

Today is a cloudy day in Bakersfield. the weather is warm and humid.

Hopefully it is going to be raining soon. The newspaper's forecast for a rainy weekend. However the web does not indicate any rain at all but  for tomorrow.

The news of the day is that Ted Cruz has suspended his Presidential  campaign bid  after a poor performance for the latest primary election in  Indiana.

It is an honorable action to take by a person that has the courage and strength to make important decision.

So farewell Mr Cruz, a clean and decent campaign player is out from the race.

Our boys are always busy, yesterday they were at home completing their homework.
It is the last month at school for them all.

Yesterday I had dinner with Organic salad and corn on the cob I cooked in the microwave

After dinner I went to the gym as usual.

Yesterday I had body pump with Ellie

At body pump I am working on range of motion for  my legs, arms and on my abdominal.

I am using light weight and do a lot of repetition.

I have still difficulties walking with straight legs because of my injury.
Yet I am working on it..perhaps in the future.

Afterward I  had Zumba with Mike. A good  cardio exercise with jumping and bending on my body.. testing my balance and my equilibrium..
It is all good.

I greeted Salve 

It is all good.

At the gym they told me that for Mother day I can bring my own mom with me and she is going to have a free pass.

I guess this is valid for Simona as well as she is a mom...

I need to pass this idea with you all  as soon as I talk to you so we can plan in advance.

Finally I came back to the apartment.

I got a shower as usual

Evening snack: Hemp protein, a sandwich with humus and a banana.

I tried the Hemp Protein with a glass of milk. It tastes better than using water.

I guess this is the way to go people that are working out very hard at the gym.

This morning I had my independent routine.
Meds, breakfast, newspapers, trash (thank you) and it was my money management day (receipt)

My mother is in Italy, she is telling me that she is busy with putting back in order her house.
She was busy making sure the painters did their job properly and her house was being put back in order.
I am sure they did a good job.

Today I have a dozen roses for everybody that cares about me 

Time to eat, I read the newspaper and filled my daily blog.
The PC got updated automatically to Windows 10


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