Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday May 3 2016

This morning I had a really healthy breakfast
Healthy cereal, milk, blueberry.
A yogurt with flax seeds.

A bit of coffee with foamed milk.

I had a headache today, not my shunt but my right eye was feeling painful.

I went to Nursing and got a Tylenol. 

It is called PRN (Pro Re Nata)  medication.

I do not get that much PRN truly once in a while.

When it is too hot and I can not manage it with a cold shower I turn to Nursing to get my Tylenol.

Yesterday after Therapy at the AAC  I went to the gym in the afternoon.

Beforehand  I had my dinner,

I cocked broccoli flowers first (Organic of course).

I cooked white Basmati rice on a different pot.

I mixed the rice and the broccoli.

Finally I added  a couple of eggs and some spices to turn the mixture into a "frittata"

It is called a healthy "frittata".

Here is an exemplary picture of my kitchen performance.

I cooked it on a pan with some seasoning.
 I used Coconut Oil to ensure the non sticking property of the food.

Coconut Oil is a good and healthy fatty Oil to cook with.
It is tolerates very well high temperature cooking.

I normally have an open container in my food cabinet.

Finally after eating and cleaning the while apartment it was time for me to go to the gym.

On Monday my routine is the following: Yoga with Lilli. 

Remember always to be kind with the other and with yourself.

During Yoga we were invited doing a pose of equilibrium standing on our hands with our legs bend in the air.

While trying it  I capsized landing safely on my nose..

Well it is good to try..perhaps I was trying too hard.

Afterward I had cycle with Tiffany. I  worked hard at the cycle class.

Damian, Maria, Tim and Nick were part of the community of people I normally  meet there at the gym

Before leaving I got a picture with Tiffany and kidded with her about not having enough picture for me to remember each and everyone.

Finally I went back to the apartment and got a healthy hemp protein powder snack

Others instead decided they wanted to barbecue outside

Instead I got a shower and a snack and felt OK this way.

This  morning I  went to dr Jue office for a dental check up and cleaning.

The assistant of the dentist Desiree cleaned and polished my teeth.

The dentist himself came to check my mount for any abnormal growth. 
It is all good

Desiree  mentioned that I am doing a good job in keeping my mouth healthy.

I received a good bill of health.

While over there I got stickers for all the therapists's family and goodies for me.

Back in six month, beginning of November

The daily flowers are the following ones..

Lunch time

Time for a healthy lunch of course

I had the leftover frittata from yesterday evening. Fiber and carbs from carrots, a cut apple and grapes.

It is a healthy and balanced diet.

I called Simona she was busy working at Caltech.
She was going to eat for lunch only a Z-bar.

Normally she eats more for dinner once she is back at home.

My wife eat very sparingly. I eat more than Simona, it is stronger than me I am hungry at fixed times during my day.. 

there is nothing wrong with it anyway.
My body is used to have meals at a regular time of the day.

I do not snack during my day.. at least you will say..

Today Mr Kilby was here at AAC to invite me for this upcoming Thursday to go to the Homes of Hope to do Voluntary work over there.

Miss Amanda confirmed I cam mentioned this fact on my blog

Enjoy the reading

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