Friday, May 6, 2016

Thursday May 6 2016

Yesterday I went to do Voluntary work at the Home of Hopes here in Bakersfield.
It is a foster care agency where  Amanda's husband John works together with other people.
At time Amanda's daughters are there as well.

My work over there is to help at my best. I am currently working on a Applications for foster parents.
Brandon is in charge of following my progress.

I enjoy the environment very much over there.  I am going there typically on a Thursday from 11am to 2:30pm.

Perhaps as I am getting better even more often. I like working there.

After work I came back to the apartment.

I  compiled my grocery list for next  Saturday.

I  had a good vegetarian dinner and went to the gym.
It was my Zumba day with Mike.
Zumba is a fast cardio paste dance without weight. I like it very much and enjoy the environment.

Afterward I had  cycle class with Britney. She is the  smiling lady  here with a light blue T-shirt

Next week she is not going to the at the gym.

She has a family birthday to attend to.

During the ride to and from the gym I had a terrible  time.

I shared the  same car with a behavioral patient.

He was swearing and  changing his mind about what he wanted to do.

Obviously we had to come back to CNS to pick him up after having started going to the gym.

A terrible ride based on my own experience.

I came back to CNS shaken and clearly deceived.

Trembling and unsure of the reason of  what was going on.

Anyway I thought that a  complaint form was appropriate  for expressing my  dissatisfaction and my lack of appreciation for the company in the ride.

As soon as I checked back in I filled a form, snapped a picture and filed at CNS.

I also forwarded the above picture to Vanessa C.

Today's wet roses.

My mom sent me the following picture of her balcony. It depicts her house back in Verona, Italy.

I had a High Fiber Cereal breakfast this morning. 
Milk,  coffee, A yogurt with flax Seeds in it.

The Flax Seeds is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acid.

Enjoy the reading.

The Recycle story....

I  normally do recycle as it is good for the environment.

My wife Simona is giving me all the house empty bottle that can be recycled.

Last time Dag at the apartment gave me a large bag of recycle to pay me back for me for helping with the trash of CNS at the apartment. Please note we are not talking about my own trash, we are rather taking about the CNS own trash,

Well guess what.... It all disappeared.
Somebody went to do recycle  on my behalf and never cared about giving me the money back.

This emplioyee at CNS never cared to make a note for me nor to take the money back to me.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Well apparently honesty and integrity at time are being forgotten.

Lunch at CNS.. 

I am reading my book "it starts with food" by Dallas Hartwig

Well the lunch I just had contradict a few aspects  it is talking  about  forming an improved experience with the food.

I guess the relationship with food can be improved a bit for all.

Simona is fine she was working hard as usual
Back in La Canada it is raining as well.
Later today Chicco has plan to go to play Tennis while Lapo will be going at Marina's house to play with her family.

Depending on the weather condition Chicco might have to go to Marina's house as well.

It is raining hard.. see this video it will be available until the beginning of June


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