Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday May 23

Already, I am back on business.

My computer is the number 2 where I have all my work saved inside.

I had a good weekend.

Last Friday I went to do my voluntary work at the homes of hope.

This is the parrot that is always happy to be there.

This community environment  is a placement agency for foster parent placement.

I like going over there as much as possible,
As I am going there as a voluntary placement job, it is a low pressure job.
I am always tying to work at my best.

In the evening I went to the Maya theater to see a nice movie.

It is a typical LA  movie with Russel Crowe and Brian Gosling.

I enjoyed very much it.

As always I had edamame (soy beam) and green tea.

No soda for me any longer. I do not feel the need nor the desire to get sodas.

I called home and Lapo got confused as he believed I was my wife Simona.
He called me Mami..

 Last Saturday  I went to the walk for thoughts organized by CNS.
The event was very well organized the attendance was great and everybody in my opinion had a good time. There was good food at the stand a very nice lottery.

Dr Ashley and his sons performed playing American sons, they are all talented people.
A lot of people from CNS won many prices as they got many lottery tickets.

I purchased only a few this year. I had a good time.

I wrote a letter to my family (this is called THP)

Therapeutic Home Program

On Saturday evening after the walk for thoughts I cleaned everything in the apartments.
The usual activity of cleaning, washing all my attire, bedding and personal clothes.

My mother sent me picture of her days back in Italy.
She took a walk along a path near her apartment in Verona.

She mentioned that she did sent the following two pictures as well.

This is from a place called "Fossi di Montorio" . It translates to the Montorio's ditch.

I did not realize Verona has so many nice places and all at a short distance from my mother's home.

Last Sunday May 22 I went to grocery shopping as I had no time on Saturday so I did not go to church.

As usual I went to the local Trader Joe's store. I greeted everybody and I was happy to greet  Jamie as well. 
She is the lady with the orange hat of this picture.

Jamie mentioned she was going to Disneyland with her daughter Delaney and her niece.
It was going to be a girls day out.

She knows me very well, and she knows my family as well.

I was happy seeing her as normally I do not see her any longer.
She does not work on Saturday when I am going to do my Grocery Shopping.

I spent $80.29 got a lot of good, healthy food.
Organic produce as it lasts longer.

After grocery shopping I went to the gym by myself.

I  signed out, let the reception know about my destination.  I walked to the gym.

Once I reached the gym I call CNS to let them know I  had arrived.

I worked out at the gym between 2:50pm and 3:50pm

I took my weight.  It is 181 lb. I let Nursing and Amanda know about it.

this is my free PT program

A lot of repetitions and light weights.

Legs, chest, torso all the body parts that make me walk better and faster.

I am working at my best.
I noticed the rotary torso is currently helping a lot keeping my body in the correct position to walk.

At 3:50pm I called CNS, let them know I was leaving the gym and walked back to the apartment.

I enjoyed my walk both ways. Always on the side walk, respecting the rules of the pedestrian and crossing the road on protected intersection only.

For dinner I  made a good zucchini frittata.
I cooked the zucchini squash first, then the rise.

I mixed it all with milk and dressed with Parmesan cheese.

This morning  I went to walk in the park as always I like starting my day with a good PT.

I had a general headache so Nursing came to give me a PRN medication for my head. 

I keep taking pictures of the nice things I am seeing in the community

Last I saw was an expensive cars.

They are all very nice to look at, yet we have two kids that needs to stay comfortable.

They belongs to community people of Bakersfield. People that have expensive tastes.

Our kids enjoy our current honda CRV, a good family and reliable cars  for us.

I had lunch outside, it is a good day to seat outside under the patio

During lunch I called my mother back in Italy.
She is doing well, She had a rough night.
Last night the temperature plunged to cold from being hot and humid.
It is  an indication of the local weather that has not stabilized yet.
Enjoy the reading.
I am going to read and off from the computer.


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