Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday May 24

yesterday I went to the gym
I had  Yoga with Lilly, be Kind to yourself and to your neighbors.

I had then cycle with Lolita, I set the bike on the highest level so that I could fully extend my legs.

At 7pm it was time to leave the gym and I was ready to go.

At the gym I   greeted  Damian, Maria, Delia,  and Lee. There are two people that have the same name Lee.

Afterward I came back to the apartment. get a snack a shower and my night meds.
Yoga is a good and relaxing activity to do.
I guess doing sport releases endorphin and reduces the feeling stressed hormone.

Doing regular exercise has many health benefit. It keeps you busy in a good way, it makes you eat right and regularize your sleep.

As in general all sort of sport activity is good for my own body. I always liked sport, and I will always will like doing sport.

I like to be active and it makes feeling empowered to do more.. always within the limit of my body.

I had a good night and wake up fully rested.
It is a cloudy day today.

I took a stroll in the park to get my blood flowing.

I helped around at the apartment at my best. I like being helpful within the community,

I keep my own unit as clean as possible.

Whenever I notice there is some maintenance tasks to be done I let the people in charge know.

For instance today I had them refilling the paper towel.

I then let know Lupe in charge of the deep  cleaning that the shower curtain needed to be cleaned as well.

She confirmed she is on it as well.

This morning I had a good breakfast
Foamed milk, coffee, blueberry Creek yogurt, Chia Seeds, and cereals.

Finally it was time for me to  take the bus.

Simona is as busy as ever always following her own activity at Caltech.

Our kids are fine. They entered the last week of school. Afterward they are going staying at home with Anna for a couple of weeks and start summer camp.

The daily beautiful flowers at the apartment

Great California allows to have great flowers..

The flowers plant in my balcony have started growing. They are a couple of inches tall.

Today at the AAC, I read the newspapers as always, then I run the Meditation group.

I used an app on my phone that Matt recommended me to use. This is the link to the guided meditation. audio.

It is a good mediation website.

Finally it was time to have lunch.
A healthy zucchini frittata,  Ezekiel bread. A salad side with Arugula, avocado, pearl tomato, walnut with home made dressing (Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar)

Finally kiwi and apple for desert.

Taking care of your own health start by eating healthy.
Outside the tree in front is full of prunes

Enjoy the reading

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