Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday May 17

I have been trying to work on Meditation today.

The iphone apps I selected had difficulty time   downloading today.

It will be for a different time.

However I found the following link that works really well:  http://www.audiodharma.org/

I tried today and it works on my Iphone.

It will be for next week.

Yesterday I received a new soda stream water bottle from Simona.

It works really well.

It carbonates the water so  I can drink a lot of it.

I wrote a letter to my boys.

I am writing them in English and Block letters as it has  became customary for me.

I had a quick dinner: Cottage cheese and a rich salad.

I then went  to the gym.

I had Yoga with Lilli and cycle with Lolita.

the cycle movement is  in my opinion the same movement my legs would do when running.
I applied myself in working hard as always at the gym.

Laree took me to the gym and then came to pick me up once I was done.

It went all really well. 

Once back at the apartment I followed the same evening procedure.

An evening showers, meds, a light snack: banana, protein powder with warm milk.
I am eating better in the evening for a post work out snack.

I slept well.

The weather was already hot this morning. 

My healthy breakfast as usual: frothed milk, coffee, cereal, blueberry, yogurt with flax seeds.

The park is a great place to push it through in the morning.

I like to start my day with a good walk

Today Chicco will stay home to study the state capitals, while Lapo our youngest is going to have a play date with a friend.

Both Simona and Anna are taking care of the family at their very best.

A smile for Simona and for everybody that cares about me.

My light and complete lunch

Left over frittata, a big orange and a container of cherry.

Really healthy eating.

Simona is well busy as usual. She is always doing her best and thinking about the family

Enjoy the reading

A bit off the computer

Enjoy the reading


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