Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday May 2 2016

I had a very fulfilling weekend
I was back in La Canada at home with my family.

Yes as I am only momentarily staying in Bakersfield. Just a brief parenthesis of my life.

I stayed from Saturday to Sunday for a home visit.

The fact is that I am not allowed to stay back in La Canada as I am not  allowed to stay there.
I am a brain injured patient at CNS, it is a matter of fact that I am only in Bakersfield to get better and to stay better. If you check my head you can see my shunt on the right hand side.
You can see the tubes draining the pressure of my brain into my stomach, it is going around my right hear.

You can see the tracheotomy scar on the  picture below.

I could go on describing all this matter for you one more time. In case you forgot the way it is.

Anyway before leaving the usual activity of the weekend.

I cleaned and washed all my clothes and all the bed sheet  of the apartment.

At  10:30am I went to do Grocery shopping at Trader Joe's

I had a good time over there as usual.

I greeted everybody.

This time I purchased a lot of organic food. It is best to buy Organic whenever the veggy are eaten raw as they are and their skin can not be peeled away. This is the time when Organic food makes the difference.

My tracheotomy scar in nice memento. Remember I am a brain damaged person.. I am a damaged person.

I also purchased  some little roses for Simona.

It ended up being a good purchase and we used it for a good purpose during our day.

This time I spent only  $92.00. Could be more certainly not lower.

I had  all I considered good for my health and for the environment.

Lat Saturday I also have received my latest Economist magazine 

I like reading about the world events.

We had a good Sunday morning at home at La Canada

We went to church over there and the boys had their Summer school as well.
Monseigneur Mario was happy to see us over there. Stephanie greeted us warmly as well.

For the weekend we  have been invited to lunch with Bob Raffaella and their son Luca at their home in Beverly Glen in LA.  We brought the rose as a present to them.

Here are more picture of the visit of Raffaella and Bob for lunch

Raffaella like to eat Vegetarian so  I leaned there a good recipe to make a rice casserole.

Luca is on the right hand side with a red shirt. He is Raffaella's and Bob's son.

Behind Luca you see Renzo.  

At the left hand side is our son Chicco. Next to Chicco is Dario.

Both Renzo and Dario are the sons of Jen and Stefano.

Stefano is in this picture below sitting next to me.

This is the rice casserole.

We also had some good grilled meat cooked by Raffaella's husband Bob

On Sunday morning we went to Church at S.Bede  in La Canada. 

Afterward the kids had their summer school at church. We picked them up.

Over there Jack and his sister were also attending Sunday School.

On the first of May I weighted myself at home. 

I am 84 kg that is 158 lb. It is what is is anyway. Let's not be overly concerned about it.

While in La Canada we went to Sport Authority in La Canada.
The whole store in being liquidated and the whole merchandise is on sale.

I purchased a new  track suit as the ones I have is made of fabric too heavy for the time being.

We could only find two different pieces for the track suit. 

It was a sale, nevertheless is cost about $100.

For Mother's day celebration I gave Simona my last card I had  received from Italy.
It is a sign of love and of tenderness for my wife Simona.

We took the car for a wash. The car is neatly ready for the family.

It has been vacuumed inside and washed outside.

She is Simona my lovely wife.

The lovely flowers at the apartment.

Some of you patient like to cut it and take it to the Ronald's house.

Other like me is more respectful of nature and snap only a picture....
Your turn to decide among the approach.

By the way let's go back to last night.

At 9:30 pm I was awaken my Mr Kevin P. swearing loud across the wall.

 He was swearing and complaining about his pernicious and nasty lower intestine functionality.

An abundance of F-words and cursin as he is customary to use..

Nothing more nothing less

Perhaps the rent I am paying is not high enough  to allow me for a qute night.

It is in fact my own fault.

For accepting to stay in this place and for not sleeping with my hear plugs as it is customary in any hospitably for psychiatric patient.

I had a Tylenol today with a lot of coffee.
My head will explode soon or later one more time.
Thank you CNS for taking care of my head so carefully.
it is very much appreciated.

Folding and putting away the winder apparel. It is taking care of things.. beside my heat and my shunt.

Nevertheless there is always the CNS trash ready to be trown for me.. as I mentioned to you many time the pile is reaching the sky and it is so hi that is would be worth a lot of money had CNS pay for each single pound of trash I have been throwing away.

Enjoy the reading and please remember that I am the official trash thrower at CNS

I was born duely to become the trash mam at CNS..

After all it is an uplifting and great experience doing the trash that does not belong to me but rather to CNS.


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