Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday June 10 2016

I am enjoying filling my blog. today

I read the newspaper of today, had a debate with Miss Tami about the current news.
We had a small conversation about the sentence received by a guy convicted of raping a girl at a party. He has received only a few months sentence. He is a Stanford student and comes from a well of family. We debated that the short sentence is nothing compared to the impact he had on the girl's  life.

Yesterday I made myself Zucchini squash risotto.

I made soffritto with cut onions, celery, carrot.

The soffritto was prepared using Coconut Oil.

I added the zucchini quash and some White Basmati rise.

The rise cooked for 20 minutes.

Finally I added shredded Pecorino cheese..

I also used a bouillon cube to give more flavor.

The whole result was really appealing to me and tasted really good.

Finally after dinner I went to the gym. I quickly eat cleaned everything as I was pressed for time,

Yesterday it was my Zimba day and my cycle day with Tiffany.

I was late at the gym yesterday and I was very unhappy with the service provided by CNS.

I filled a complaint form, and today I let Miss Amanda know about it with a private conversation follow up.
The document from CNS set my own expectation in terms of when I am going to the gym and when I am supposed to return to the apartment.

I am always complying with it, I would appreciate having CNS complying with the above mentioned documentation as well.

You see the situation should have a double face. If I am off by $1 on my money management routine I get chastised. 
Whenever CNS is off with their service there are no apparent consequence.

Here is the documentation of yesterday's shortfall.

I was transported  to the gym with two other patients of CNS.

The omnipresent Nicholas and another tall African-american guy 

I personally do no like Nicholas. In my opinion he is a spoiled young kids.

He got so bold  yesterday  to slash on me and to call me "Bro"
the fact is that I am far from being your  Bro dear Nickolas.

So please stay away from me as much a possible.

You are a very negative effect on my enjoyment and on my life.

Yesterday  I came back to the apartment and had a headache. Thank you for assembling me with such a wonderful company

The same thing has happened this morning.

I had a good coffee with frothed milk as usual.

My mother sent me this picture from Italy.. it is a funny one.. I know she is trying hard to look at a positive side of things.

My morning PT at the park is making a few laps and taking a panoramic picture. I am  making sure my hand is steady and that the rotation of my body keeps the phone at  roughly the same level.

Homes of Hope

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