Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday June 27

I had a very good motivating and healthy weekend

Last Friday  June 24   I went to the gym attending Zumba with Caroline ( light hat)  at the 24 fitness gym on Gosford.


While at the gym the usual familiar people, Rachael in Red, Sira behind Rachael.

I like the gym environment

Lee was taking the picture. 

I like the gym environment, filled with people that have nothing to do with TBI

Lee was taking the picture. 

I chatted with Lee a bit about the Brexit situation. 

He mentioned that Amgen has many clinical trials in UK..
Amgen is the pharmaceutical multinational company he is working for.

Lee  is always a good person to talk to.

I wrote at the gym the following message to CNS:

Dear CNS I fully appreciate you are dealing with individuals that sustained a brain injury.
As such you deal with the behavior you deal with.

Unfortunately for you I have to confirm I do not appreciated the company of Jay ( the big African American you paired me in the recent trip at the gym)

He swears he is unpleasant it makes me feeling I  have done  nothing in my life to deserve such a treatment

Please take the corrective action
As you mentioned many time I can only choose the way I deal with CNS patients..

The family is in Verona.

Lapo was having another Italian gelato

Simona and the family was eating Pizza with my brother Francesco In Verona.

The pizzeria was crowded,
Simona mentioned the boys had a good time.

It was very hot. People in Verona are used to the sticky hot weather of the summer.

I wrote a letter to my mother in Italy.

It came back a few later as I had not used 4 stamps as required.

So I  sent it again the following days.

Simona and the boys are having a good time in Verona.

Her they are on Juliette's balcony.

Simona took the boys within the roman amphitheater Arena.

During the summer he Arena is used for opera representation.

This was the setting for the Opera Aida. The obelisk and the Egyptians style  scene is in display,

Here the boys are standing in front of the Area.

Chicco is kidding Lapo by making him Bunny hears.

It means the boys are having a good time.

I received a new Iphone plug.

I can use it for both my fitbit and the speaker.

I have been writing to my mother as well.

I sent the letter to her summer house in Fano (PU)

I used 4 stamps  as required by the postal office.

I received a picture of my kids and my mom.

My mom is at the center. My brother Francesco at her left. My sister in law Sara is at her right.

Chicco and Lapo are at the right of the picture.

The picture was taken in the garden of Francesco's house.

In Italy the kids have been eating Gelato

The boys are really savoring all the Italian food.

The boys are having a good time with Simona.
It is dearly hot and sticky.

Simona got herself a hat..
While Lapo plays Chicco read on his Kindle tablet.

Last Saturday I went to Shopping at my favorite grocery store: Trader  Joe's.

 I purchased the Ceviche ingredients.

Fresh salmon, Limes, onion, cilantro, avocado. 

It is a healthy and good way of eating raw fish.

I happily spent $101.08.

I used the gift card I received for my family.

It is all organic and fresh.

I purchased the ceviche items... (salmon, Lime, tomatoes, cucumber and cilantro)

Jamie  light blue was there at the store... she is back on the right shift.

We talked about her daughter Delaney and son Logan.

They are well. I stowed her the picture of my  family in Verona with grandma.

She asked me why I did not go over there..
I explained her it was a long story.

For the Ceviche I used  the latest cutting tool I  had from CNS...

A tasty Salmon, a lot of limes.

Chopped tomatoes, onion, cylantro and avocado

First I let the fish cook in Lime juice for an hours. Then  I added  the chopped veggies

It tastes better than Sushi...

I am sold on the Salmon Ceviche.

It is all good.

In the afternoon I went to catch a movie.

The theater was packed. 

The movie by Pixar made a huge success.

Finding Dory... Where is my memory.. like Dory said.

The competition was weak and uninspiring Dory came first. 
A testament to Pixart good skills.

On Sunday June 26 I went to church at the S. Philippe the Apostle church

At church the late father Sanchez was remembered.

I met Cassie's grandma Rose.

She mentioned that Cassie was busy with her certification for a personal trainer.

I met Nelson with his family as well.

After lunch I walked to the gym following the sign out procedure.

I walked to the gym by myself. I met Jack who waiting the bus to go back after a day watching the races.

While at the gym I worked out following my own program.

I like to follow it on Sunday.

I am increasing the number of repetitions rather than the weight.

At the gym I am also  weighed  myself (176 lb) and recorded it on my phone.

The flowers

A tree at the park snapped.

A branch got broken most likely because of its own weight.

Time to eat

By the way dear CNS I have a word fraternal correction with you.

I would appreciate not being subjected in the morning to passive smoking.. like this morning.

Mr. E. was smoking next to me.

For lunch: finishing the last bit of the salmon ceviche..
so good and healthy..

I am definitely sold on the Salmon ceviche.

Staying outside under the patio.. a good way to recharge the batteries.

Simona was watching the football match between Italy and Spain.
Italy won 2-0
Simona mentioned it has been a great match.

She went at Rita's house with the boys to watch the show.


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