Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday June 7 2016

I had a very good meeting with Jolanta my Case Manager.
Before hand I chatted quickly with Simona and asked her permission to stay a bit longer at CNS.

Jolanta and I agreed I can work here for a bit longer.

I am working hard on Accepting my Rehabilitation Program.

Jolanta gave me a written document several pages long.

I put together a Folder that I will be keeping here at AAC so that to keep track of the current conversation.

It is something that is reality for me to do.

It is documentation that I am slowly putting together.
Next meeting is scheduled for  the beginning of July.

Simona and the kids are being busy as always.

She is going to have a very busy summer time.
The kids are going to be busy as well  themselves.

It is all good as the family needs to be able to spent a good summer time.

Jolanta and I reviewed my current Rehabilitation Program.

it is based on memory Rehabilitation, attention on Physical Rehabilitation.

These are all current deficits that have been with me, I am becoming aware more and more.

Yesterday I had Yoga with Lilli- a good physical fitness light gym.

After Yoga I had cycle with Misty. Fully extending my legs, to be able to walk better.

Norberto the sup took me back to the apartment.
Once there I realized I had forgotten my Yoga mat at the gym so we went back to retrieve it.

It is all good. I have everything with me.

I slept well last night.
I had a good breakfast this morning

The air is already hot, I pushed through my morning PT as every morning.

Daily roses

Enjoy the reading

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