Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday June 2016

Let the record know :  I  have conveyed  a message to Steve K.
It  should be relied to Jolanta Baranoski

 I am requesting a meeting as son as possible.

The meeting is between me and CNS, it it based on a written material that the Case Manager will prepare for the  table conversation.

I am requesting two copies of the Power Point presentations: one for me and one for the Manager in charge. And of course I will not have any of this matter as at CNS there is not such a service provided

Ideally the Power Point Presentation have a date, a heading and all the ancillary necessary data to be able to identify and tag the document.

This is the job of a Manager, it is not that difficult nor complicated real world manager in real operating companies provide harder service than this one.

Please CNS show me you can do the  job you are paid for..

It is a frustrating experience experiencing your modus operandi.

I might not be worth for you that much.. but hey there is a limit to everybody's patience.

I am IPO (Individual Operating Patient)

Last Thursday I went to the Home of Hopes where I did some simple and partially  challenging  job.

Translating into Spanish from English an application form.

Ain't that difficult, it is voluntary job after all. Lets say a good parking spot to be able to kill some hours.

Last Friday I went to the Maya movie theater.
I saw a very dummy movie suitable for little kids..

It was TMNT, a very simple and incredibly childish  movie.

I did not enjoy the plot nor the characters at all.

The only part that was pleasant is the surround sound system and the cold room at the theater.

I keep wasting monies and time being frustrated with the movie outing

Next time I will go back to the gym where at least I have fun and I am not exposed to be on mixed with smoking patients while going to the the theater.

Because on the bus there are smoking patients, they stinks when they come in and they smoke once we are outside the movie.. the result is that I am exposed to nasty and unpleasant environment that I do not appreciate.

In La Canada nobody smokes and I am not exposed to these toxic fumes...
Ergo..I am not in La Canada

Anyway she is Morgana always happy to see me over there.

The school for her is almost over.

As always I had a green tea and edamame

I was back in La Canada for the weekend where the family has been residing. This is  my former residence before my injury before  all my health issues.

Yes right now I am residing in Bakersfield as I am a brain injury patients at CNS.

It is a situation that has been an on going for many years.. yes it is a matter of accepting the current situation.

There is no hope nor path to pass by and to move on.

As they say once you have a TBI you are marked for life and nothing will be the same ever since.

In my opinion this is a similar situation as to having being diagnosed with a curable form of cancer.

it is always there and you do not understand why you made it  to think about this matter.

Last Saturday as usual I took care of cleaning the CNS apartment, washing all my clothes,  changing my bed sheets and so forth the usual housekeeping task of the weekend.
I did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's

I did my shopping as always. I got all Organic produce.

It is far better  eating Organic as the produce  stay fresher for a little longer.

As always my price tag was a few cents above $100 as it has been for the past time.

You see eating healthy requires a good amount of effort from everybody.

After grocery shopping I went to La Canada to my former residence for a family visit and short stay.

The kids were busy playing by themselves.

They are used to be in La Canada without me.

It is odd for them to share the space with me.

Chicco has completed is 5th grade. He is a good student: all As but a B.

Lapo is going to first grade after completing preschool.
Right now he is following his brother's step at school.
Public school in La Canada is really good. 
The class is of a reasonable size.

While in La Canada both kids are always at the computer yet very aware and mindful of  any move that  I am  making.

On June 4th I  had very nice presents in La Canada 

A fit bit watch a water bottle a new picture frame and a drawing from the kids.. thank you Anna

I  forgot the fit bit charger in La Canada plugged at the wall.

You see I always leave traces behind.

We celebrated my  49th birthday over there.

This is Simona my wife, She is the head of the household since my head injury in 2010 

This is me opening the present I received 
A very nice Camera from Lester and his wife (more in the following below)

Bunny hears for Lapo 

Lygia came to my birthday celebration.
She brought some good Italian pastry from a very good Italian shop.

The Italian Bakery (Carrara Pastry) is located in Agoura Hills

Lygia also brought a nice composition of herbs for cooking

In La Canada my former boss Lester came to visit.
He was with his wife Dawn.

Lester present was a framed wafer with  an image sensor I designed long time ago.
A very nice digital camera with equipment for changing lenses.
Always very nice present from Lester.

We went to church at S. Bede where Monseigneur Antonio was celebrating the mass.

Simona had a change to take a nap. She is always so busy and so distracted that she does not remember to do things properly.

I have my own issues myself in forgetting things around.

It is a good match...

I have my memory issues as I am a TBI patient she has her own memory black out as she does not sleep nor pay attention too much when I am around.

It is said Cuiusque .. The each one his own

Good cooking requires good herbs for cooking.

So Lygia brought me a nice plant.

I received a letter from Verona my mother

I had a good breakfast

Cooked Oatmeal, cereal, milk coffee and milk again

Of course I cleaned it all, then thrown away the CNS trash.


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