Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday June 28 2016

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment from therapy at CNS.

I prepared a tuna salad,

I cooked brown Rice. I added a couple of cans of canned tuna. 

I chopped some onion , a  cucumber and a tomato,

I  added  chopped cornichons (pickle cucumber), cilantro. Finally a  good scoop of light mayo.

All good and suitable for the summer temperature in California.

In the afternoon I went to the gym of course.

I had Yoga with Lilli (Namasde) very relaxing practice for the mind.

Working on elasticity and on very soft movements.

Deep relaxation to make the body and mind relaxing together.

Afterward I had cycle with Lolita. Static bike of course, balancing on both legs.

Increasing the resistance as if it were a real outdoor experience. 

Of course all movement at the sound of music.

Lolita is always good in combining our  work out with good play list.

At 7pm it was time to leave the gym and I left on time. I greeted Lolita.

At the gym Maria, Damian, Gym Tom and many familiar people in the community.

Before leaving I took time to stretch my legs. Stretching is good for the body and the muscle.
I that I had a good night sleep.

I could not see the driver of CNS waiting outside, anyway I came back on time and got back to  my apartment at CNS.

Kyle drove me to  to the gym. Miss Delia drove me back at the apartment.
I had a good snack, a shower. Stayed up until 9 pm when Nursing came with the Ambient sleeping medication.
Of course a banana after the gym is good because of its potassium content.

To tell the truth I am eating a lot of bananas.

I had a good night.
I wake up relaxed and ready for my day at work,

I wake up fully restored.

I had the usual fulfilling breakfast.

Oatmeal, blueberry, Cereal, milk and coffee.
I took a stroll in the park (walking better and better)
Not yet able to run still.. well it does not change the drive I have for sport activities.

The local flowers are so beautiful.

I know everyday it is a new picture.. well it is too strong to resist the beauty of these flowers.

My mother and Isabella   in Italy is enjoying the good summer time

They are going to the summer house in Fano (PU).

This is my sister Isabella eating along the road.  She is  driving my mom to Fano. They had  stopped in Sano at a local restaurant to get dinner.

As mentioned on the top they  are going to Fano (PU)

My sister is driving my mother down there. 

At AAC I read the newspapers, interact with others to ask questions about the recent news of the days. At 11 am it was for me time to leave the scene.

I am filling my daily blog.. has to do with short term memory.

It is getting  warmer and warmer

Yet it does not stop me pushing through the park for my morning PT.

Walking better and better 

Everything is fine.

I had lunch outside under the patio.

It is hot outside 38 C.. or 100.4 F. a lot of water.

Nevertheless I had my cold tuna salad outside under the patio.
A couple of cold fruits.. it is all for lowering my body temperature.

I called my mother. She mentioned she had arrived in Fano PU.

My sister Isabella was driving her at the summer house.

It is all well.

My plan for today is set.

I need to go to Personal Shopping to Walmart.

I am going there perhaps once a month whenever I am low on Personal Supply.

So no gym today.. 

Enjoy the reading.

Enjoy Giuseppe

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