Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tuesday June 21

Yesterday it was Monday.

In the afternoon after my therapy at AAC I went to the 24 fitness gym.

I had Yoga with Ellie, Namesde.. a lot of good stretching pose, a lot of good movement.
It is a gentle yet intensive gym practice to do.
Cassandra drove me over there and let me work.

I like the gym with all it classes. Yoga  it is a great balancing work out, breathing gently and focusing on the good things of life.
The practice ends by saying "Be kind to each other".

At the gym Lee, Maria and the usual familiar people I meet at the gym.

After  yoga I had cycle with Misty

She is the smiling lady at my left hand side.

I set the bike on high so to fully extend my legs.

I was feeling well and rested.  My hat is still on my head.. making sure it is with me all the time.

At 7pm I stretched my legs and it was time to leave.

I brought back everything making sure  left nothing back at the gym.

As I was waiting and hungry so  

I purchased a healthy snack.
I used my own money no CNS money.

Taylor came to pick me up from the gym.

I chatted with her, come back at the apartment got a shower and  and a shower. 

I waited for my meds and my sleeping pill and went to bed.

At 6am I was up and running ready for my day of work at AAC.

This morning I added the picture of our son Chicco.

He had long hair and his face painted.

My mother sent this picture from Italy.

The family is now back in Rome.

Simona mentioned that the family arrived yesterday in Rome.
They already had gelato.
The kids are going to have a great time over there.

It is a really hot day in Bakersfield.
A heat wave is here to stay throughout the weekend

I completed the tour of the local park.

Got the newspaper and helped around in trowing the trash (step up and down keeping a light weight in my hands)

Good morning PT for the morning.

Can't resist to snap a picture of the local roses

At the AAC I read the newspaper as always, the current event section and the local news.

Brexeit is on the news.. it is holding Europe breath with the referendum getting ready in England.

Rev. Sanchez from the local S.Philips church is remembered and praised.

A  fast cold lunch, the facilities is overwhelmed as there are only two microwaves left down from three there used to be before...

Apparently AAC  has not have figure out about the capacity needs of the local TBI population.

This is a reality of the local equipment.

Perhaps soon there will be only one left and finally none so no hot lunch at AAC...

Who needs to eat really?

Enjoy the reading..please put some money at AAC in increasing the capacity of the facility
As it is and in my experienced opinion the equipment has been declining steady.
I hope you received the message and you will adjust accordingly.



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