Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday June 13 2016

I found my hat, I had left it here at AAC. It is on my head..

I had a good weekend.

Last Friday I went to the gym  as I had Zumba with Caroline
I enjoy the gym environment.

I rather go to do gym than to go to the movie.

Beside I have the all outing money available for church.

At the gym there are many familiar and nice people over there. I always have a lot of fun.
A vert distressing environment.

 Caroline, Salve, Saira, Rachael, Rajit and many other.

I really have been missing the Zumba fun a lot.

Last Saturday I started my   day by cleaning the apartment, changing the bedding linen  and washing all my clothes in the 500 building.

I cleaned it all, I had so many items to wash. It is all good.

I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. The healthy place I like to shop to.

I purchased a lot of Organic food and produce.

She is Meredith always happy to see me shopping over there.

I purchased a lot of good items.
My final bill was $ 113.44

Considering I always eating at the apartment it is in line with my recent shopping spree.

I had a fair  amount of Sushi as I was missing it.

I also purchased the necessary ingredients to make Ceviche de Pescado: Tilapia, Cilantro, limes, sweet yellow onion, Beside following  the recommendation from Diego  I also checked the recipe on the web.

I guess next week I need to cut the Tilapia into smaller piece.
Thus far it taste good.

Last Saturday I also went to do my recycle

An astounding amount of $2.47.

I was given a new $2 bill. I will give it to my kids when I see them the next time.

I carefully been cleaning the whole apartment.

My bathroom, the kitchen floor 

First of all using the broom for the kitchen floor.

Afterward washing the floor carefully

It was all cleaned and perfumed.

I wrote a letter to my mom back in Italy and sent it last Saturday.

It will take ten days to reach her back in Verona.

I also wrote to my boys a letter in English and block letter.

Hand writing is good for me as it improve my hand-eye coordination.
It is called THP work (Therapeutic Home Program).

Last Sunday June 11 I went to Church

At church I got communion and enjoyed the catholic environment.
Father Sanchez did not feel well enough to officiate the service.
There was a different person.

I gave the whole $24 money as offer. As I did not go to the movie on the weekend.
I like it to be this way.

I then walked  to the gym. I signed out, let them know about my direction.

I walked the mile to the gym in 30 minute time,

Once at the gym I called CNS to let them know I was there.

I work out following my own program below.

I also weighted myself.

When it was time I called CNS to let them know I was coming back.

I enjoyed my activities.

Today I read the newspapers at AAC, the news are filled with the recent events from Orlando.
A senseless killing of innocent lives.

Last but not least my weight.


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