Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday June 20

Last Friday  June 17

 I made myself  a great Frittata

I then went to the gym,

I had Zumba with Caroline.

At the gym the usual familiar people.
Caroline with a hat next to me.
At my right  hand side Lee.

In front of Lee Salve and at her right  side Rachael in bright yellow shirt.

Salve mentioned she will be going  home in The Philippine for the holiday.
She will be  back in Bakersfield   in August.

A long deserved vacation time with her family.

I like the gym environment and I am spending over there as much time as I have.
It is a good distressing environment, over there I do a lot of cardio, light weight and generally stay cool.

Both sport and fitness has always been my credo.

This year I do not feel going to swim as I prefer the gym environment.

Last Saturday June 18 was Lee B-day

In the morning I cleaned as usual the apartment and washed all my clothes.

Cleaned my restroom and the floor.

I like to be in a clean environment.

In the morning I went to shopping at Trader Joe's my favorite grocery store on Stockdale Ave

I had all healthy food mostly Organic as I noticed  it is worth it.

Over there I spent $87.85
I had a great shopping experience as always a lot of fun.

There was no Tilapia so I purchased Salmon instead.

I had been planning  for Ceviche.

I also  had the chance to write to my family a letter.

They came to visit me and I gave it to them.

I had as well a "Settimana Enigmistica" that my wife Simona like (It is a book for brain puzzle)
I gave them the bottle of waters for the boys,  and drawings from Trader Joe's.

Simona came and we went to the Valley Plaza Target Mall with the boys

The boys took the opportunity to negotiate with Simona about some toys.

Lapo sent Chicco to negotiate with Simona.

He was not successful though.

At the end they did not buy anything.

At lunch we went to eat at the local California Pizza Kitchen where we normally have good experience

Lapo enjoyed making bunny hears to the whole family

 I had a good steak, with arugula Quinoa and a very very very light Mojito as a drink with a good glass of water.

I could not eat the Quinoa so I took it back to eat it  the next day.

Lapo had Macaroni and Cheese

Simona a soup while Chicco had a whole pizza by himself.

The boys had Sundae as well

This is the place when we were leaving in the evening.

With Simona I went to Macy's to buy me some needed clothes For Father's day.

We found some good deal.

Sunday was Father's day.

As every Sunday I went to Church at the Catholic S. Philip the Apostle Church

I was wearing my new shirt and apparently I was not the only one wearing  pink.

At church I gave the whole outing money as I  am not going to the movie any longer.

So the whole $24 outing money goes to church. I like it this way. 

Monseigneur Sanchez passed away during the weekend.

He was a great person.

Everybody was taken by surprise. He did not disclose to anybody about  his status.

At Church Cassie and her mom Rose stop me to say hi. We briefly chatted and then it was time to leave.

Cassie is a cycle instructor at the gym

On Sunday I  made Salmon Ceviche with the ingredients I had purchased on Saturday.

I let the fish cook with  the lime juice .

I added some more chopped  cilantro.

 I let it cook and then by myself and walked to the gym.

I worked out following my own routine. I  am working in adding more repetition to my routine.
I am increasing the repetition rather than the weight.
I go slowly and carefully with the weight as I do not want to injure my body.

I devised my  personal own  program. It includes a lot of legs, abdominal, torso 

I stayed until 4pm and then I called CNS to let them know I was coming back.

I weighted my self (I am stable at 180lb)

I walked back from the gym: it is  a mile to go and a mile to come back..

As it is a  hot day I am  drinking a lot of water.

It is always a  pleasant day to walk ( I like walking, it is good for my legs)

My fit bit is working great and I still have it with me whenever I am out in the environment.

Once back at the apartment I spent time completing the Ceviche preparation

Cilantro, cucumber, tomatoes and avocado

Simona and the boys are in Italy right now.

They wake up at 5am this morning to catch the plane to Italy.
They are going to connect through Chicago airport.

The boys are going to stay in Rome for the summer time.
They are going to the beach, enjoy the Italian food (Calamari, pizza, gelato  and so forth)
Anna and the whole family is going to take care of the boys.

Simona will stay in Rome for a couple of weeks.

Afterward she is going to Trieste attending a conference on clouds. The conference is held by ICTP
International Center for Theoretical  Physics.

Simona is going to visit Bjor Steven   in Hamburg Germany

Bijorn  was her PhD thesis adviser at UCLA.
Her wife Andrea is originally from Germany,

Bijorn's daughters are Saskia and Annouk. They are teenager girls.

The boys will have a hair cut in Rome as well. Right now they like to have their hair a bit long.

For my mother in Italy I emailed her the following ceviche salmon recipe

Ricettta per il  carpaccio di salmone.

Ingredienti: Salmone fresco, 6 lime (limoni verdi), un pomodoro, un  avocado, un cetriolo.

Tagliare il salmone fresco - appena comperato- a dadi non piu' grandi di un centimetro.

Schiacciare i limoni verdi ed estrarne il sugo.

Tagliare a dadi  il pomodoro, l'avocado e il cetriolo

Tagliare fino fino il cilantro.

Nel frigorifero lasciare marinare per qualche ora  il salmone con il succo di lime e il cilantro.

Inline image 1

Dopo qualche ora  il salmone risulta  cotto nel succo di limone verde.  Aggiungere il pomodoro, l'avvocado,   il cetriolo e altro cilantro.

Aggiungere Olio, aceto balsamico

Mangiare con crackers preferibilmente tostadas 

I called my mother in Verona and my mother in law Anna in Rome.

They are all getting ready to  welcoming the boys and Simona.

Simona keeps me informed on her whereabouts.
She has reached Chicago Airport where they are going to board the plane to Rome Italy.

For lunch the last Salmon Ceviche.

Enjoy the reading


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