Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday June 23 2016

It is  being a hot week in Bakersfield.

Today's temperature is about 100F.

I had a good breakfast as always;  I cooked Oatmeal.

 I had cereal, blueberry, apricot and milk

I cleaned it all by hand and left the apartment in order.

This morning I had money management completed.

It is $75 for food and $24 for entertainment.

I am normally Ok with the entertainment, however the food money is always short for me and I am getting above the given allowance. I am enjoy eating healthy and good food.

I do not have a problem with it, whenever I need money I have a personal account I can use my IPC is always making sure I have enough money.

I asked her yesterday for a second set of keys to use for the second med cabinet.

The first one is filled with personal item and there is barely any room left for my meds.

I started my day as always by walking in the park  with some PT early in the morning
Breaking a sweat in the morning is always good.

At the Mont Vernon Clinic I first of all read the newspapers what was important to me, then red the Horoscope to everybody else, it is a given and take.

Our kids had came back from the sea side. They are in Rome with Simona.

As always they had gelato, calamari and all the great good food they find in Italy.

This morning I asked maintenance for a saucer for the flower pot of the balcony of my apartment.

Here is the foot long saucer I am looking for.

I enjoy very much gardening at the apartment. In the morning I always make sure the flowers have enough water for the days particularly that this week it is very hot.

I set close to the flower the recycle bin so that it provides some shade and protection from the direct sun exposure.

My mother in Italy is also enjoying seeing her balcony's plant growing.

She sent me an image of the fruit of the  tree of prune.

Yesterday evening I distributed the schedule at the apartment for the week ahead.
I noticed the movie outing was back for the Saturday evening. I booked it.

For the past time it had been scheduled for Friday, it collided with my gym time and I much preferred going to the movie. In returned I gave the whole $24 outing money as offer to church. It is a good and fulfilling gesture.

I cooked a healthy dinner: frittata with rise and a side salad.

I then went to the gym  the place I like to be and I enjoy myself.

I had cycle and body combat. As always, Cassie was the instructor at the cycle class at the gym.

Her dad Ron was also there with her. I told her I was happy so meet her with her grand ma Rose at St. Philippe Church last week/

If she had not stopped me I would not have seen her.

The usual community people at the gym: Damian, Richard, Maria, Jim to name few.

After cycle I had body combact with Sylvia,
It is a dynamic exercise inspired by martial arts move.

Good for my balance and my general range of motion movement.

 have to say I enjoy the gym as much as possible.

I  was the only one going to the gym.

Ana came to pick me up from the gym and drove me back to the apartment.

 My lunch


A section of the skull with what is inside... very very valuable and expensive to fix

Enjoy the reading


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