Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday June 14 2016

Well, the day started well.
John Ejton call me from Denmark by video Skype.

We had a good conversation.

This fact prompted Mona to start mumbling about him being my current husband.

I showed her the picture of my family.. oh well when the brain is affected it affects many different faculties.

She persevered and persevered, I felt  being assaulted by her negative feeling bur more important by her demeanor. Yes her being so nasty stroke a nerve in me.

Clearly she is having her behavioral day, yet I beg to make you understand I am the one that is at the receiving end of her inappropriate attitude.

I let the sup know about this matter. I am entirely sick of her outburst.

She believes she has the right to do whatever her brain frontal lobes tell her to do..
Perhaps she is right as the frontal lobes control the executive functions in the brain.

Ashley mentioned that I was able to de-escalate the situation...

I started reading the newspaper at the AAC then the guy next to me burped and through out.

I felt sick to my stomach and now I am  compiling my blog.

So that I am focusing on the things I am caring.

Yesterday the boys went to Taekwodo.

They belong to the real actual world.

It appears I do not belong to the real world or at least my world is a far different one.

Anyway following the current salient facts here is an account.

Yesterday evening I had my tilapia fish ceviche.

After dinner I went to Yoga and then as usual I had static cycle with Lolita.

Cassandra took me to the gym and back. She is a very nourishing person.

Before hand I had time to write a letter to my mother in law Anna.
The letter has been sent yesterday.

I am not showing you the actual content as I feel it only belongs only to us.

Anna is now back in Rome.

School is over and this morning the boys went to play tennis.

My breakfast has been a good and fulfilling

I had oatmeal, blueberry, cereal and a banana.

The usual morning breakfast I am enjoying at the apartment.

It followed by  my usual PT in the morning at the park.

Walking every morning better and better.

My legs are still crooked.. they will stay so for a bit longer.

They have been so for the past years..

I feel I am walking in a odd way. At least my posture is improving.

Let's go back to my feeling.

I feel I have been violated in my feeling by Mona.. dear CNS make sure you have a better way to handle this person..

I had a brief conversation with Jolanta.  I shared my feeling with her and let her know about my current grief.

Jolanta mentioned that aphasia is the most probable explanation.
 It might be so yet I am prone to stay startled by her behavior.

And being at the receiving end is far from being a pleasant experience.

We agreed that for the current time the Trip to Solvang is not going to happen.

Personally I am not thinking it is appropriate nor within my wish. I would not be feeling comfortable. I would not enjoy it that much.

On the contrary my lunch: Tilapia carpaccio also known as Tilapia Ceviche.

Basically it is minced Tilapia,  cooked in  lime juice, A lot of cilantro,  a bit of sliced tomatoes and cucumber.

it has been macerating for a few days as I made it last  Saturday after going to do Grocery Shopping
Next week I am also adding avocado to the mix.

I talked to my mother in Italy. She  had a good dinner

Frittata, cooked fennel, sliced brown bread  and  fruit.

The omnipresent Radio is to her what the Iphone with the NPR news broadcast means  to me.

Everybody is dealing on its own way to the current condition of things.

I like to use the computer at AAC. I use it to write it and to transfer my thoughts and feeling on the computer.

Giuseppe Rossi

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