Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday June 22 2016

It is already a hot day in Bakersfield...
I am drinking a lot of water...

 I had a good breakfast,: Cooked Oatmeal, milk blueberry, high fiber cereal and some coffee.

It is a good day to work out a sweat in the local garden of CNS. A good day for taking pictures of the beautiful flowers...

A good PT in the morning at the park to break a morning sweat. Enjoying the peaceful morning hours as it is all quite around.

This morning I had receipt for money management day. Today it is the day when I am giving Miss Mary my receipt and tomorrow I am going to have the money for grocery ($75 and for Outing $24)

I  am good for the outing as I give it all as charity to church as I am not going to the movie any longer, it collides with my Zumba gym class.

As far as grocery .,. well let's say I am choosing carefully and eating healthy: all organic when it is worth.

 Our kids are in Rome, Italy with Simona. They are staying at home with Simona's mom Anna.

As the agreement in Rome they had their hair cut short,
At the right is Chicco now 11 years old. On the left is Lapo about 7 years old.

Lapo is changing is teeth.

The boys  already went to the beach this morning. They are going to Aosta, near Rome.

Simona mentioned that the family already got  Gelato and Calamari.. the usual great food they find in Rome, Italy.

Yesterday evening after therapy I cooked a really good  fritttata 
I  was given a new knife from maintenance so I testing and plan to cook with it,

I cooked a good brawn rice frittata with a lot of veggy inside.

I prepared a side of salad with the Cilantro I had left from the ceviche.

Brown rice is a good source of fiber.

This week Amanda mentioned I am not going to the Houses of Hope for a few days as they are busy with something else over there.

I went in the afternoon to the 24 fitness gym.
I did body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Mike.

I like the gym very much I am going there as much as I can.

As I was cooking I started writing to our kids back in Italy

Afterward I was ready to go to the gym.
Generally I am going there in the afternoon at around 5pm as soon as I am ready.

Yesterday was the day for Body pump with Ellie, followed by Zumba with Mike.

Body pump is light weight, with a lot of repetitions, particularly I am focusing on  improving my leg bending capabilities, mu posture and my walking.

Afterward I had Zumba with Mike a fun intense cardio.

By the way Anna provided me with a new key chain, as the one I had snapped.

I talked with my mother in Italy this morning.
She was chatting with Signora Capponi
She is the mother of a school mate of mine from the time I was doing elementary school

Enjoy the reading

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