Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday June 24

The results of the referendum are in:

UK has voted to leave the European Union.
The prime minister David Cameron has resigned.

The BBC has confirmed the news.

On NPR I was hearing that Scotland was voting to stay instead.

The fact is Scotland  was for a yes while the county decided to leave. This dichotomy  will be treated as a hint of the future.

The UK currency took a more than 10% drop against the US dollar.

The financial markets are reacting to the results of the vote.

They used to say " e pluribus unum" .. 

Yesterday evening I made the grocery list and gave it at the reception.

I cooked dinner. Gnocchi day with Olive Oil and Parmesan cheese.

I also cooked chicken tender on the stove. I seasoned the chicken with healthy spices and rolled in bread crumbs to retain the flavor.

Finally I cleaned it all and I was ready for my gym time.

I  had Zumba with Mike.. a great cardio sport.

Later after Zumba it was the day of static bike with Tiffany.

It simulated a real bike experience.

The instructor invited the class to modulate the resistance of the bike.

She also invites the class to use the appropriate body position on the bike.

At 7pm as usual the agreement with the Insurance is for me to leave the gym and get ready to go back to the apartment.

Before leaving the gym I am always stretching my legs and my body to be feeling well the next day.

After the gm I was feeling well and ready to get back for my night.

I took a shower, got my evening meds, waited until 9pm to get my Ambient sleeping meds

And slept well.

I wake up got a good and healthy breakfast

Simona and the boys are visiting Italy.

They are so kind that they stopped to visit my mother in Verona.

This is a picture of my family having breakfast today.

This apartment reminds me of a lot of things of my previous life in Italy.

I recognize the kitchen, its appliance the stove, the place.

I believe the table comes from the S.Gregorio house. 

I see that Simona and the boys are doing well with the time zone.

Simona is very knowledgeable on having the boys to absorb the 9 hours time difference with Italy.

Anyway I am glad that the boys had the time to visit their grandma in Verona.

In Verona my mother is focusing on her plants

She sent me a picture of the plums tree on her balcony

Anyway going back to hosting the boys in Italy
Thank you to my family and mon amour for making it happens.
It means a lot personally to me.

I had a good lunch at the AAC today. Rice, beans, tostadas, guacamole a bit of sour cream

A lot of water. I enjoyed it sitting outside under the patio. It is a hot and dry day.

While having lunch I called my mom in Italy. I know my wife is visiting her with the kids. 

She is going to stay  there until Saturday evening.

Tonight they all had a pizza. The boys are eating a lot of good food.

I recommended Simona to focus on the gelato (Italian ice-cream) as she is not going to find it here in US..

She mentioned she is willing to work on it with moderation.

I am going to do reading of the Economist


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