Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday June 29

Yesterday evening I came back to the apartment and distributed the new schedule for the outing.

I distributed it to all the apartments. I also booked for the movie this incoming Saturday.

For this week this task has been completed.

I came to my apartment and started cooking.

I made Trofie  pasta al pesto with pomodori pachino  Parmigiano Regiano and Olive Oil

Here is a view from the top of the pesto bowl

This  is the  trofie pasta after cooking it al dente. 

As always I am making sure it is cooked al dente because I like pasta  a tad firm.

The expression cooking  pasta al dente is very common in Italy.
It is very well understood.

I used this  large bowl was  to mix trofie with the sauce.

Here is a close up for the little pasta bowl I used for dinner.

As mentioned  above the magic combination is pomodoro pachino, Parmesan cheese, and basil

Next time I would like to make  the pesto with pachino and shrimp.

Together with the pasta I had a healthy salad.

I used heirloom tomatoes, celery, spinach, basil. I dressed it using  Olive Oil  Balsamic vinegar salt.

After dinner I went to the gym.

I signed out and I was driven there by CNS.

I arrived on time for my class. I had static cycle with Cassie.
A lot of good cardio and resistance training on the static bike.

The class is getting as close as possible to  a real life biking experience without the concerns of the road.

After the class I had body pump with Sylvia.

This is a good  body building exercise.

I  quickly learnt I am not there to muscle up my body.

I am there to feel fit and to stay in shape. 

Beside I am over 50 years old. I have a certain age  and my body health to keep in mind.

I am not a any longer  a young person.
I am looking youngish but I have my limits.

So I have followed Sylvia in her directions.

I worked on bending my legs and on my extremities.
She knows me very well. I am following her suggestions in keeping light weights.

Also it was the class to get my core going. 
Engage the core to stay healthy.

Later at 7pm I left the gym and walked back to the apartment.

Walking is a good exercise for me anyway.

At 7:25pm I signed back  at the apartment.

I paid attention to the road. My experience is that the people in Bakersfield are not used to see anybody  walking  around.

Specifically a white Caucasian male like me.

Everybody is enclosed in its big pick up trucks. 
Same old story. Nothing new anyway for me.

Nothing new at all to report.

My usual evening routine followed.
Night showers, snack and meds.

I slept well and had a good night.

I wake up at 6am after a good 8 hours of sleep.

This is how much I am sleeping  right now.

This morning I completed money management
At the reception miss Mary was ready to help me.
There is no news paper today. It is a sign of the local distribution?
It is often spotty and insufficient.

Anyway the flowers are always great

I did my laps at the park. It is a pleasant day.

I have my blood flowing in my veins.
I had a good breakfast as thus far I only had a banana.

I love my High Fiber O's cereal in the morning.
I had  yogurt and a cold overnight Oatmeal.

This morning I decided that it was time for me to make a new batch of overnight Oat

Here is the list of ingredients that are going in it:

one  cps of  old fashioned oats
1/4 cup of coffee
1/4 cup of milk
1/3 tbs of salt
1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 tbs of chia seed (it expands)
a cup of yogurt

after combine it all chill overnight.

Here it is  healthy eating because I like eating good nutrients.

Today no newspapers. I went to the Swain Center or to the shack as I like to call it.

I ready my Economist magazine. I highly doubt that patients are interested on knowing what it is going on in the worlds around them.

Anyway the key here is because I am reading it and it this my own Economist magazine then it does interest me. I am reading for myself I highly doubt that anybody as a cognitive understanding let alone cognitive interest in understanding the world they are immerse upon.

Well you see I quickly realized that most American people do not really care at all about the world they are immerse. This is why the current political landscape is so depressing. It lacks depth of feeling. This sentiments in my opinion starts from the top at the White House  and percolates down to the bottom to the whole society.

Frankly it is a shame this was a fair nation. 

It was based on certain core principles that have been unfortunately  reduced by a bad inept  government.
Anyway they elect it, in a way they have chosen their direction.

At the lead there is a 71 years old person, that has hardly had any achievement aside from the might green money.

it is sort of a change  from having a young leader at the top of the government.

For instance Macron is 39 and he is leading  France with a new hope of chance. 

He  has been showing good actions with good  intent.

Today at the Homes of Hope I could not noticed the kitchen was really a mess.

A lot of food stuck in the sink, food left all over the kitchen sink.

Everywhere Flies  that  were hovering over the  food.
So unhealthy,.

I bet Social Service would revoke the licence for  a place like this.

It shows lack of understanding and a lack of meeting the basic health requirement.

Do you know guys how much I can get sick from all this messy environment, you  CNS,  Home of Hopes and the one alike?

Is this a decent environment to be?

Nobody did anything of course Richard was playing with the WEE much more fun than cleaning.
Enjoy the reading.

I mean cheap granted, free granted but dirty... c'mon CNS


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