Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday August 11

 I wake up this morning with my head hurting right at the right side.

It is an historic pain that is debilitating my mind.
There is nothing to do about it, but just to accept as a way for my body to  behave.

I applied a bag of frozen peas and got a Tylenol from Nursing.

My liver will be reduced in a mush as a result of this treatment.
Anyway who needs a liver nowadays.. where it really important thing would be different for me.

 Liver parts are way to emphasized...

Yesterday I cooked myself a good Trofie pasta with Zucchini squash.

Here are the pictures of my meal preparation
Garlic cloves for a beginning

tomatoes, carrots and celery for the soffritto


Cutting into small slices everything and getting ready for making a sauce.

Always using Coconut Oil for cooking

I sliced the tomatoes for  cooking

I made a light soffritto by combining all the vegetable

Then I seasoned the sauce with salt, red pepper flakes and a whole vegetable bouillon cube

While the base of the sauce was going I added the sliced Zucchini

I cooked the pasta Trofie al dente

I then added it to the vegetable sauce and let it amalgamate for a few minutes

I added Parmesan cheese and Olive Oil.

I also added   Ricotta cheese but it was not the right one.
I should have used the Ricotta salata one.

This is the ricotta dolce... a stupid mistake 

Anyway this is the result.

I picked  a few basil leaves from my balcony, sliced  and added a couple of cherry tomatoes to complete the work.

I had my trofie pasta which is always good to eat.

Yesterday I made a new batch of  Overnight Oats

I am following this well proven recipe for the preparation.

I  used it for my breakfast in the morning.

I am always eating healthy and well.

Both the boys are attending  a summer camp.

Our eldest Chicco said it is a very nice camp "E' bellissomo" while our youngest Lapo said that he does not like it at all. They make him doing things he does not like.

I had my wonderful pasta and set aside some for the next incoming days.

I then went to the gym.
I signed out at 4:40pm and arrived at the gym at 5pm I had body pump with Jessica and then Zumba with Mike. I  left at 6:30pm and walked back to the apartment where I signed in at 7pm.

I got into a nice cooling showers got a snack and went to sleep.

At the apartment I dot have to share with anybody my space, it is a nice feeling.

Why I am walking back and forth everywhere?

Because  doing so it is good for my crooked legs it is the PT  that I am not doing anywhere else but to go the gym and back from he gym by myself.

I do not like when CNS takes me to the gym with another person.
Mr. W. is a smoker and I  have made the determination of not sharing my van space with him.

He has a membership at the gym, fine it is a free space.

However when inside the gym he can not smoke, soon after he is out he lighten up a cigarette.

Wonderful dedication to a healthy practice.

Anyway as a result of this dispute I am not going any longer with them. 

As a result I prefer to walk along the road, aside of the cars.

I had my own food today as always, at least I know what I eat and how much I eat.

What I do not accept is get served mediocre food  like pepperoni pizza and being counted how many slices I am eating out of it.

At least with my own food I count on my own as always and do not rely on them 

They are serving sodas as well, which is something I am not at all logging to drink.

large panorama from the park.

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