Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday August 28

Already is the medical history for my shunt

Today I had a bad headache and the right temple is hurting. I put together my self and I came here anyway.

Over the weekend.

Last Sunday My shunt really gave me a lot of pain. Sabrina came to check me.

My right eyes bulb was hurting.It felt like something were to wist inside my right upper eyes bulb.

I went to the gym at 1:30pm with Eisha.

I measured my weight last Sunday. It is 179lb at the gym using an analog weigh scale. I crossed reference it with the digital scale I have at my apartment.

It is 178.6 on the digital..

At the gym I chatted with George.

He is Johanna's husband. She use to work at CNS. And she is Stephanie's sister. They both used to be NRS at CNS.

1) Leg curl @4
2) Leg Extension @3
3) Leg press @4
4) Chest press @4
5) Shoulder press @ 4
6) compound row @3
7) seated row @2
8) shoulder press @ 2
9)crunch 30lb
10)rotary torso 30lb
11) lateral rise 35lb

Last Saturday August 26 I did my grocery shopping. Which is fine.

I spent $85.50. It is a good improvement as CNS is giving me $75.

Jamie was always there with her crew of kind people.

I like the place over there.
Based on my experience the people at CNS should train at Trader Joe's to learn about true customer service.

HOWEVER the driver of the van Veronica left me outside in the eat with no AC.

Now as a result my shunt had a fall back.

Of course Veronica is keeping her job and me I have to learn to put up with this service

I just spoke with Vanessa my nurse have a post injury headache. My shunt is a foreign object in my head. I will have recurring headache and feel pain to my head on a regular basis for the rest of my life.

I have received a letter from my mother from Fano.

It contains some old memories

I am the little one on the right

I feel some time it is good to be unaware of what will happen to you.

You see in this picture I already had my AVM planted in my brain.

I have been carrying it with me all this time.

This is my grandparent  and my grandmother family in Fano Pesaro

This is even an older picture. I assume it is from the side of my grandfather's family which I never got to know. In Fano as well

Keep it clean

Sawing my short's bottom that got loose over the weekend

The basil is my apartment is getting really big

I am watering it twice a day given the overwhelming heat.

I made pasta alle zucchine.

I started from dicing the Zucchini very carefully

I made a light soffritto

I cooked the zucchine in a pan

Flavoring with spices

The pasta cooked al dente

I added some feta cheese

I mixed it all together and got an OK meal.

This time I did not like it that much

It is filling up on the cheap.

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