Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thursday August 17

It is hurting. It has been hurting the whole day and yesterday.

It is a screeching pain located at my right eye where my shunt is influencing my skull hemisphere.

It is so annoying and debilitating overall.

I am using a lot of palliative tricks. Cold patches, cold compress at AAC  it freezes my brain for a few minutes.

I take from Nursing Tylenol.. it  is not working anyway.

I put my self together today and showed up... doing as less as possible.

I had money management today.

I only accepted the grocery... no outing at all.

Nothing at all. Despite yesterday me signing up for the movie... well no outing with CNS...

This is the way I got accustomed doing.

I do not missed it at all. I do not miss  the movie nor the church in Bakersfield.

This is my choice and I will stick to it.

Yesterday evening I made myself a quinoa salad and then went to the gym

I  am not eating any longer in a peaceful way.

I feel I am struggling to get things accomplished at CNS.

It is odd, because this is a service place for me.

It is paid for by the Insurance.

Not the way around.

Got the Quinoa Salad going anyway

Already I had a terrible lunch like the usual lunch at CNS.

I  did not realized at all what I had for food.

At CNS they do not care for it.

They switch the TV on and that is it... a real American experience eating with the TV turned on.

Amanda is always available to talk to me.

She is the real person in charge at CNS.

Jolanta on the other hand is so distant and does not want to have her hands dirty with anything.

A real long range Manager if you ask me.

I saw Dr Elvis today and I told him that my brain needs attention from CNS.

He does not seems surprised nobody at CNS really wants to take any responsibility for accepting their are failing at meeting their basic duty.

I am tired of going on my day based on Tylenol and pain killer.

I  make a forescast

You will not me see anytime around soon

I am taking a break from this place.


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