Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday August 24

My head and my eye.. strong pain in my right eye.

Like the past days I have been disabled by a large pain located in my right eye.

It is a  long running issue for me, the result of my brain injury.

It  gets really bad when I stand. Jolanta understands and she allows me to seat in a chair while my brain is getting better. I read the newspapers and let my blood pressure stabilize.

Over the past days my head was really bad so I stayed back 

Beside I cut my finger in cleaning the apartment. So I was not in a good condition.

Here what it looked like

Here what it looks like today.

Luckily I cut my left hand rather than the right hand.

There is a silver lining on anything.

My family in Italy do not understand this matter.

My brother wrote to me: it  happens when you clean your house.

No comment...let's move on that it is better.

I took care of cleaning the whole apartment, cooking and I went to the gym of course.

Cooking Rissotto allo Zafferrano (Safran) and polpette

As I was staying back I cleaned the apartment

Of course I took care of my own cleaning as always.

The bathrooms carefully cleaned

The living room and the floor over there so much dust in Bakersfield.

Here is the living room after cleaning.

The chairs have been carefully cleaned from the dust.

Today Money management. I am set to get only grocery shopping money.

Only food no other outing of any sort. Being here is already a purgatory like experience.
I am sure I have done a lot of bad things to deserve this treatment.

As always I feel very confident and congruent with these choices of mine no more church in Bakersfield. where the service is rather unreliable and the company... oh well  is what it is.

BTW yesterday at the gym cycle and body pump always with Cassie. 

A good cardio for me.

I came back with Alea and CNS.

Actually the van took a long road as I was driven first with the guys at Cattlerock house.
They have a staff available 24 hours a day.

Rick, Bryan and Mr J. were coming back from a weekend in S. Barbara.

Of course I was driven back by the NRS Alea who first took me to the house...then finally to the CNS apartments on Gosford. I   checked in at 7:36pm 

That simple change of routine had the effect of making my head huring today.

Writing to the boys of course.

Headache... I need to deal with it or CNS is going to deal with it at some point in my life?
Cleaning and more cleaning.. 

It shows I do not like the dust in Bakersfield's hair.

It shows I am taking care of the apartment of CNS.

It shows house keeping is not invited not to do anything over there.

Here is a little bit of an historical growth chart for Facebook.
Rather a phenomenal increase. Just the way you like to see in a businesss

By the way let's talk about Revenue.
It has been pulling in between $7 Billion and $9.3 Billion for the last four quarter.

Obviously the Advertising business accounts for close to 99% of the  revenue

At CNS I do eat my food, I rather gobble down without tasting, standing because there is no place to seat other than next to other patients... so I stand next to a counter.. my choice... I simply do not like CNS at all. 

They are egregiously paid for what they are doing, don not get me wrong.

They have four different clinics in the country, it shows this business is florid and they know how to grow it.

The fact is that the clinic in Bakersfield is overcrowded and clearly under served.

For instance, this clinic has only two bathrooms for everybody.

There is a rush to the bathroom, before lunch and right after lunch to brush the teeth.

These are fancy restroom, as you know, with fancy faucet appliance.

The hand drier that blows hair is integrated with the soap dispenser and the water sink.

Very fancy. I wonder how long it will last for.

I can not take the so called clinic any longer.

Their prosopopea their stupid and brainless activity.

Me I am to read the news paper everyday among the general lack of interest.

Oh the Horoscope is really what gets the guys here going.
Utterly stupid and utterly based on autosuggestion. Obviously you want to read on the newspapers how many starts you have, because based on the surrounding I would say there are no stars in the sky of Bakersfield.

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