Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wednesday August 2

I started my day by having a strong pain to my shunt.

At the apartment the wake up is brunt.
There is no pity, the gardener have to cut the grass run they very noisy tools at 6am..

That is right they are paid to do their job at 6am they are running their machine in the morning full blast to the hell of everybody else.

Whenever I am at home I am supposed not to wake up anybody before a certain time.
Obviously my sleeping cycle is modified  by my permanence at CNS.

I applied a bag of frozen peas to my head to make sure the pain was released.

I asked nursing for a couple of Tylenol and then everything hopefully is resolved for today.

It is raining now, so I am making the correlation between the pressure in my heat and the pressure outside.

We will see how it goes.

This morning I made a new supply of overnight Oat. I am used to get it in the morning
 It is good for my breakfast

Kalos kagathos

I came here today as I wanted to have some clarification on my latest meds.

I have a quick conversation with my Case Manager.

She was quick in providing me my latest list of medications.

Also she pointed out that the meds I am taking is to get off my system a high level of toxic ammonia that is built up as a consequence of the Depakote meds I am taking.

Jolanta is always good and available with me as Amanda the director of the establishment.

Jolanta mentioned that she is having a lot of cases to manage.

I showed her the pictures of the boys.

The boys are are in Rome in Italy where they are having a good time.

They are having a good time.

Soon they are going to be back in US.

Another year has passed and another memorable vacation time for them.

Despite the fancy toilet, the fancy activated faucet their high gear of the amenities at the new clinic, this is an overcrowded place to be for me.

Briefly I am free to say that I do not like it as an environment.

There is barely a place to eat, among the overwhelming confusion it is a place to just guzzle the food.

You see at the apartment is a different matter.

I am eating well and peaceful.

It is a place for my self without any bumping to my chair without any wheel chair around to bang me.

I like to eat healthy and peaceful

Yesterday I made a good Wild Arugula Salad with celery stalks...

... cut avocados, tomatoes and cucumber.

I added some ciliegine mozzarella byte.

I had if with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar.

Several boiled eggs provided the protein for the salad.

A fulfilling dinner 

I went to the gym. I had body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Alex.

At body pump I did not charge my body at all. I stayed way light. This is the way that I have learnt to be at the gym. I can not handle any pressure at all because of my head injury.

This things does not allow me to get any thing done. And of course this morning I felt I was paying the price for yesterday.

Today I have given to the reception my receipt.

It is quick as I only have my grocery shopping receipt that is for the food.

As agreed I stopped going to church as retaliation of them changing the schedule for going to the movie.

I do not miss church in Bakersfield at all.

I live well without it and without having to deal with the stressful service that has been so poorly provided by CNS. You see when I am in La Canada it is a different story.

Here in Bakersfield... well you know by now I have feel about it.

Tomorrow is my money day, I will only accept the money for grocery while refuse any money for the outing.

Alea iacta est:  that is the decision has already been made. I am fine and living by it.

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