Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tuesday August 1 2017

I  am doing well. My head is fine and my back is doing better.

I am applying Salompas patches for my back. It is a long time injury I had.
Actually it  is an inflammation of my sciatic nerve.

I generated by myself at the gym by doing too much of the stepper machine.

At the time I was believing it was good for me.

Since them I stopped using it.

At the gym I careful in making sure I am not straining any longer my back.

Anyway Simona and the kids are fine. They are busy back in Rome.

Today Her brother Andrea and his family are in town to visit them

Andrea has a young boy Matteo, he is one year younger than Lapo our younger.

Anyway they will have a good time together.

How I spent my day yesterday.

Let's review my activities

I cooked Quinoa and made a  marinated Salmon.

I dressed the salmon with Squeezed lemon

Here is the Salmon cooked in the oven.

The salmon before putting in the oven.

I let it marinating in the fridge for a while.

I had dinner, my fork on the left hand side.

I then went to the gym.

I had Yoga with Lilli. Hard gym for flexibility.

I did my best and stirred clear from any movement that was hurting my body.

At Yoga there are persons that are showing off their flexibility.

One of them is Adre a bold guy that is always making spectacle of his physical capabilities.

I am focused rather on my own well being and on my capabilities.

After Yoga I had cycle with Misty.

As always before living I snapped a picture.

Misty is pregnant and is due soon 

Her class will be taken over by Cassie.

Before living a guy introduced himself.

His name is Ari. 

He was asking very politely  the reason I am taking so many pictures.

Well I explained him the fact that due to my memory issue is good for me to document my activities for the following day.

I showed him on my phone how I was using these pictures.

He looked at me and  was satisfied with my answer. 

Straightforward and simple.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym and I came back with CNS.
I signed back in at 7:35pm.
As always the evening activities ensured.

A shower a light snack and my meds.

This time I went to bed as soon as I had received my medications.

So I slept well and felt rested.
Right now I  need 9 hours of good solid sleep.

This morning I went down ask Maintenance to assist me with a piece of plastic that I was not able to put back in the fridge.

Chanez was kind enough to come to my apartment and to take a look.

He snapped a picture and he mentioned he would  be looking into it.

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